วันอังคารที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

10 Easy Ways to Flat Abs

There are so many things you can do that in a belly plate. I just want to to 10 easy ways to help share! You should try to help you with your abs work at least 2-3 times a week.

1. Hanging leg raises - These are very difficult to do if you are just starting to train the abdominal muscles. All you need to do is to hang from a pull-up bars, monkey bars or even in a local park and then raise and lower legs. You can do the modified version is brought to his knees to his chest, instead ofRaise your legs in front of you.

2. Easy on the alcohol (or not) - Alcohol is terrible for the middle section. People who drink alcohol regularly tend to have more belly fat.

3. Drinking water, hydration - It is important to drink plenty of water during the day to keep the body hydrated. The water also acts as a filler, so that instead of snacking on foods, grab one or two sips of water. Water helps to purify the body to release all the toxins.

4. Plank Exercise --These are much harder to do than watch. Lying on the ground in a position similar to a push-up, unless you keep your forearms on the floor, not the palms. Try) for 30 seconds (or until you are able to hold and try to work themselves up to a minute.

5. Watch Your Sugar Intake - sugar is bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Natural sugars from things like fruit cause is just, but artificial sugar can devastate your means, arch your belly.

6.Always take the stairs - Whenever you have the choice between an elevator, escalator or stairs, always take the stairs up.

7. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - An example of HIIT would be: running as quickly as possible for 2 minutes, then doing a light jog for 1 minute. Keep that pace for 20 minutes and burn more fat than you would if you just walk or jog for 20 minutes.

8. Incline Reverse crunches - For me this is the best training for the abdominals. The first group ofThis always makes me sweat and I'm always in my abs the next day. Simply not a crunch on an incline bench, but raise your knees to your chest and keep your back flat against the slope.

9. Run! - Running is to burn calories and for the design of your means big. If you do the heart, and burn fat. It is important to remember that the heart alone is not flat abs that you can see. To make your abs pop ', you have to do a kind of forceThe formation of moving.

10. The rest - do not try to do too much. After working your abs you need your abdominal muscles for at least 1 day of rest, maybe even 2 Muscles need time to heal. If you do not give them time to heal, will not grow and feel like you do all this from the factory without any reason. If you have not seen the results that have left earlier. Is not good.

If you are in each of these steps for the next 4 weeks I am ready to bet that you noted, you starta life smaller and six on the way to flat abs!
