วันพุธที่ 31 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness Program Must Include Posture

It is your third set, and you are fighting to complete your tenth repetition of bicep curls. You are doing whatever is necessary to complete that tenth rep even at the expense of proper exercise form and posture. Exercise posture probably has never entered your mind, nor has anyone said proper spinal alignment, and posture are crucial to your fitness program results.

The often overlooked, and rarely talked about, exercise posture
is extremely important in preventing exercise injuries, and
strengthening your overall skeletal muscle system. When
focusing on proper posture while performing an exercise, you will provide a more grounded, solid base; thus, improving focus on taxing the specific intended muscle group or movement without getting unwanted muscles involved.

It is also important to focus on everyday posture outside of your fitness program. Discomfort in the back and neck is the primary adverse consequence of poor posture. It can also strain your hips and knees.

The first thing you must know is what exactly is proper posture. Find a mirror, take a deep breathe, and exhale. Now observe your position. Your head should be centered on your neck (not pushed forward or tilted in any way.) Your shoulders should be level, and not sloped. Your chest should be up, and abdominals tucked in. You should also assume the same type of position when seated.

When conducting any type of exercise, strength training or cardio, please focus on the specific posture mentioned above. Concentrate on contracting your abdominals during the execution of all exercises. Chest will be up, and head straight forward. This little reminder will not only protect you from injury, but automatically strengthen your core muscles from the constant isometric contraction.

It is important to note that poor posture can be corrected by
combating the two major causes of misalignment: weak muscles,
and bad habit. Correction begins outside of the gym getting into the habit of proper posture each and every day as mentioned above.

Here are a few more exercise tips to help you strengthen the muscles that will affect your posture.

1. Do pelvic tilt exercises while lying on the ground

2. Abdominal crunches

3. Upper and lower back exercises. Rhomboid, and Erector Spinae

4. Strengthen your gluteal and leg muscles

In order to increase your exercise productivity, and decrease the chance of injury, pay close attention to your posture both during, and after participating in your specific exercise program. You will see a difference in results and fitness program injury prevention.

*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***
Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, Blog, Autoresponder, or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered in any way.

Jim O'Connor - Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) - Wellness Word, LLC

วันอังคารที่ 30 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness Competitions - Compete In Fitness Contests & Fitness Shows

This is an article designed to help you work toward competing in a Ms. Fitness or Ms. Figure contest. If you are debating the idea of competing then don't debate, just go for it! Almost anyone can prepare toward a Fitness/Figure contest and this information should give you a great boost toward that goal! It is nice to have the 2 classes to choose from.

When I discuss competition, there are several obstacles which seem to deter women from competing. The 4 biggest concerns I hear are:

I can't do gymnastics

I am not flexible

I can't jump

I could never get that lean

I could never get that lean

These are all very simple problems to deal with and age has no bearing on anything! I have competed along side many women in their 40's who have won or placed very high.

The Ms. Fitness routine is not judged on what "tricks" you are able to perform, but rather on how clean and polished the content is. Ms. Figure has the same focus with a bit more on physique, of course, since this is a contest where the judges want to see a body in between fitness and bodybuilding. Ms. Figure is perfect for those who are not interested in the strength, flexibility and endurance components of competition. Ms. Figure contestants should recognize that Ms. Figure does require that you to be somewhat leaner than for a Ms. Fitness competition.

Bare Basics

Planning Training & Diet

Let's start of with planning. You want to look ahead a year to 4 months away from a contest date depending on your current level. Training and diet needs to be periodized toward your contest so that you are prepared and peaked at the right time. I always suggest doing a few contests the same year especially if there are some contests that fall a week apart so that you can get some experience and get to utilize everything you worked so hard for. Periodizing simply means you plan progressively over time so that you can:

I can't do gymnastics

I am not flexible

I can't jump

I could never get that lean

Insure success

Ms. Fitness wants to concentrate on the outcome of a nice toned and moderately lean physique with out too much hardness or striations. Ms. Figure wants to get a bit leaner than Ms. Fitness with a bit more muscle density and hardness yet not as lean, striated or muscular as the bodybuilders. Achieving this balance is the trick. Even once your at your best the rest is up to who is standing beside you and how you all look in comparison.

The type of weight training/cardio and diet depends on each individual, some need more others need less but everyone needs a different combo and levels can vary so programs have to be individualized, you can't train/eat like "everyone else" because it may not work for YOU. Mass produced competitive training/diet manuals made bulk in advance to help you prepare for a contest can work but were not made just for you, which means you are getting second best. I am very insistent on making sure all the programming is catered to each of my clients individual needs but unfortunately not all trainers do that which can result in injury or lack of preparation. You don't want to be 'group' trained for contests because the chances of all participants being at the same level has a very low probability resulting in some participants not getting all the attention needed to be properly prepared.


Don't have one? Who cares! You can put a routine together with any theme. I have put all types of routines together for Ms. Fitness, Ms. Figure and Bodybuilding that utilize all types of talents from Salsa to Martial Arts. Take what you like and enhance it. Even some ethnic backgrounds can translate into a cool routine, so be creative because that always gives you points! Here are some theme ideas used in past fitness, figure and bodybuilding routines:

avoid injury

work on different aspects of training/diet progressively

avoid overtraining or too many plateaus

insure success

Suits, Posing and Tanning

Costumes and posing suits are also going to be judged. Even if they're not part of the formal scoring, your outfits can make you look better or worse so keep that in mind. The color of your suit is a big factor. With Ms. Figure you have to stick with a solid color for pre-judging so you want to pick a complimentary color that will enhance your physique but not take away or distract from it. Black seems to be very popular. Now it has been okay to use a dazzled up suit for night shows in Ms. Figure and Bodybuilding. Like the Ms. Fitness women, the Ms. Figure ladies want to have 2 suits to highlight the morning and night show. Most of the judging is normally done in the morning show but there are times when ties occur and those are the occasions when you will be judged at night.

Skin tone is also normally judged and affects your look. The appearance of looking 'tight' is enhanced by tanning and coloring. I normally suggest tanning well in advance so that by the last few weeks prior to competing you don't have to tan which can make some people feel drained and considering you're already dieting and depleted you don't need added stresses. Then you can start coloring up a few days prior to contest. For those of you not familiar, there are products sold for that extreme tanned look which is needed on stage to keep from being washed out by the stage lights. The products vary but are made especially for competition and can be found online at some bodybuilding sites. I find being tanned then using the coloring product is your best bet.


Now you have to assess your skills. For Ms. Figure most women are required to do the routine in a regulation suit and heels although some organizations have a figure that is close to Ms. Fitness in the way that they can wear a costume and do a high energy routine but without inverted movements and adding poses into the routine. Ms. Fitness uses heels for the physique and gown round so here is a skill that is needed -- practice walking in 4-5 inch heals (I always suggest platform, you may think they are ugly but they look the best on stage)! Of course, open hand posing (similar to the mandatory bodybuilding poses) must be practiced for the comparison rounds in Ms. Figure. Both classes need to practice posing for the quarter turns. There is a variation of ways to pose but you don't want to be to stiff. You want to get a balance with your arms to avoid over exaggeration but the line is fine because you do need to strain a little. You want to angle slightly but keep heels together, head high, shoulders level and back, chest out, exhale to show abs. On the side pose some judges like you to look at them and others like you to look straight ahead so keep your ears open for the cues. The side pose is when you want to hike up the hip that faces the judges and even lift your heel a tad to give a nice defined leg and glute.

Lastly on your back pose you need to bring the lats out more for Ms. Figure than Ms. Fitness but in both cases the shape has to show, and tuck up the tush for a nice tight back end.

Skills for the fitness routine are a variety of holds, push ups, splits and dance. With a minimum of these you can put together a winning routine. When girls perform 'lacking' routines but still win fitness contest the audience can still see for themselves who the REAL fitness girls are regardless of the placings - likewise if you see a great routine but the girl has cellulite on her rear the audience can see it! Unfortunately I have seen Champions who have won contests without so much as a push up and no flexibility whatsoever but they had unbelievable stage presence, a clean and polished routine, or a higher point grade in other rounds. I still to this day believe you should go into a contest with strength and flexibility components in your routine but you don't have to be a gymnast to win a Ms. Fitness contest.

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Tropical Dreams Relaxation by Lita

sleep insomnia bed tired awake sleeping tip relax rest doze energy sedative sleepless dream pm health athletics beauty home fitness food advice video blog

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

bod's Fitness Workout Video

Keep fit with BOD Join the BOD Facebook Page: www.facebook.com BOD Blog: bodrochowski.blogspot.com Ask Me Anything www.formspring.me

วันเสาร์ที่ 27 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Fitness Inside and Out!

Cardiorespiratory fitness on the other hand is a condition by which the muscles of the body performs its work by circulating blood reaching the heart and thus supplements sufficient amount of oxygen through normalized breathing. It is also known as CR endurance or aerobic fitness.

This condition is required to sustain the regular utilization of large groups of muscles. It is also needed at elevated levels to allow constant and uninterrupted bodily functions. High levels would also permit a fast recovery from fatigue.

What is the Importance of Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

CR fitness is said to be responsible for the prolonged use of large muscles of the body. It is expected to be at its peak, but it would depend on the state and ability of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and the muscles as well.

It is very essential such that it is the determining factor by which a body can be considered healthy or not. It also determines the lifespan of a person suffering from certain heart disease. If it can be heightened at some particular level, the risks of dying from cardiovascular disease will be reduced.

How to Test Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

If you are a person born with a heart problem, then you should be aware of your CR fitness level. Regular monitoring is very important.

Boost your level of cardiorespiratory fitness by engaging in specific exercises. There are three tests by which CR fitness is known; these are: One-mile walk assessment, Treadmill test, and the three-minute step assessment. Take your pick and proceed with a healthy fitness program.

How to Improve Cardiorespiratory Fitness?

Cardiorespiratory fitness can be further enhanced by doing a controlled healthy physical activity such as: walking, running, cycling, swimming, rowing, jumping rope, skiing and calisthenics exercises. These kinds of activities would further increase you pulse rate and thus helps you to sweat out all those unwanted toxins present in the body. However, before doing such vigorous workouts, it is always important to consult a physician before doing so.

Learn more about Calisthenics and stretching http://www.health-fitness-lifestyle.com/sp/calisthenics-and-stretching.html

Steve has been busy searching out the best and most useful eBooks available on the internet today. But not just any old subject or any old book!

He made it his mission to seek out the highest quality eBooks on issues which can affect us at any time in our lives.

Did you find our tips useful? Then you'll see, that all it takes is a few small changes and a bit of secret knowledge to live a healthier life - without giving up all the good stuff. More info can be found at http://www.health-fitness-lifestyle.com Don't forget to sign up to our Free daily eGuides

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Darla Benfield demos Advanced Shoulders

Darla Benfield demos Advanced Shoulder Workout

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 25 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Get Fit Gamer #16: About Me

It is New Years day, learn a bit more about me and get a chance to win a video game for participating, it's easy! Comment, Rate, Subscribe! Thank you for all the support in 2009, I can't wait for the great things to come in 2010! Hope you guys enjoy my fitness and weight loss vlog for the every day joe!

วันพุธที่ 24 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Winning at Weight Loss (College Health Guru)

Have you thrown exercise out the window just because you're pursuing a higher education? Bad idea. Check out more at college.healthguru.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Nate Marquardt UFC 102 Fighter Blog

Hang out with Nate Marquardt as he prepares for his middleweight bout against Demian Maia in UFC 102. See the action live on UFC.com and Pay-Per-View

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness Jogging and Weight Loss

Fitness jogging is a great way to stay in shape. For many people is a way of life. But it's not for everyone. Even if you jogged when you were younger, you can seriously injure yourself if you aren't in shape. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting running, especially if you have heart, lung, chronic knee or back conditions.

People who have not been active for several months should not suddenly take up running. Start by walking by walking to gradually build up endurance and muscle strength.

When you can easily walk two miles in 30 minutes, you can begin alternating walking and jogging as you build up to a full program. Listen to your body to determine how much you should jog. Jog with a buddy. You should start walking when you begin breathing too hard to carry on a conversation. Slow down and gradually stop exercising if you feel pain or lightheaded. The most important part of your fitness jogging routine is the stretching and cool down. You should stretch for five to 10 minutes to help prevent tears, pulls and strains. End the jog with a few minutes of brisk walking, to ease the body into the change of pace, and at least another five minutes of stretching.

When you begin running, buy shoes designed for running. Buy a high quality shoe to prolong durability. Make sure it has plenty of cushioning. Worn out or ill-fitting shoes can cause injuries such as ligament and tendon strains, and knee, foot and back injuries.

Sometimes the terrain when fitness jogging can be harmful. Run on soft surfaces such as grass, dirt paths a track or at the beach. If you have to run on streets, avoid cement pavement sidewalks. Choose blacktop roads if you can.

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness - Sweet Body Burn Workout

To follow Zuzana's daily home workouts and diet tips visit her fitness blog: www.bodyrock.Tv

วันศุกร์ที่ 19 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Senior Fitness - Exercise For the Elderly

At least once a week on any local news channel anywhere in the country there is a color piece on an octogenarian who just completed a marathon, or a 98 year old man who went skydiving, or a team of rugby players all over the age of 60. Fitness isn't exclusive to the young.

Admittedly, age takes a toll on the joints and muscles, but the principles of honing the body's strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular health still hold true for seniors just as much as youth. Intense wind sprints and hundreds of push ups may not be the best route to senior fitness, but there are still plenty of types of exercises for the elderly. Here are some of the best...


Can't sprint? Swim! Swimming combines the intensity of a full body workout (especially the core) with the reduced stressed, low impact environment. One of the best exercise option for seniors suffering from arthritis. This exercise is a particular draw for elderly woman suffering from chronic back pain, or seniors with brittle bones.

Tai Chi

No, this is not a spiced herbal beverage available at Starbucks (that's chai tea). It is an ancient martial art focusing on subtle movement, coordination and balance. As a martial art, it's much more art than martial. This is a wonderful exercise for the elderly as speed is not a requirement. And regardless of age, many use Tai Chi as a form of stress relief as well as fitness


If you take kindly to Tai Chi, Yoga would be a next healthy step. Yoga can be more vigorous than Tai Chi, but still applicable for senior fitness. It works to strengthen and lengthen muscles, as well as improve flexibility. Additionally, there are many yoga positions and routines specifically designed to alleviate back pain.


The most primal exercise, and perhaps the best, humans were meant to hike. The human body evolved to endure and thrive from long, low impact walks, and that applies perfectly to elderly. Hiking outdoors encourages adaptability; it is the opposite of the treadmill. Even a slow hike can provide a good amount of cardiovascular exercise without reaching painful intensive levels for senior citizens.


This is not a traditional exercise for the elderly. No one thinks of a 60-and-over rowing team when they think of senior fitness. But, rowing provides a strenuous upper body workout, without the pump and grind of the gym. Rowing works the quads, the core, and even the leg muscles. It also adds the fresh element, essential to senior living. Getting a workout along the lazy shore of a local river can be quite charming.

Back Flips

Okay, maybe not. In fact, definitely not an exercise for the elderly. Stick to the first five.

Ultimately, have fun. Simple activities like dancing, golfing, gardening or even just a picnic can be a great way to keep the body active. Logging an hour a day at the gym isn't a necessity so long as you get the blood flowing, a simple walk to the corner grocer may do the trick. The principles of fitness and senior fitness are the same; find enjoyable, fulfilling activities, choose a variety rather than a boring daily routine, and don't be afraid to include others!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marketing Fitness Boot Camps With You Tube

There are many people in the fitness industry who believe one-on-one personal training is on its last legs. Small group training and fitness boot camps are not only gaining popularity, they are proving to be much more than a fad. And since it's impossible to ignore the trend and more and more fitness professionals are creating their own fitness boot camps, as a result competition for "campers" is becoming fierce.

It goes without saying that a website is a marketing requirement for any entrepreneurial personal trainer. But that's just the beginning. With video hosting sites such as You Tube making it incredibly easy to do so, every fitness professional should be taking advantage of online video to make their marketing efforts that much stronger. Video is, in fact, the future of online marketing. The following tips in this article will point out several simple ways to take advantage of video technology to give your fitness boot camp a serious competitive edge over your competition.

1) Video testimonials

Nothing beats social proof. It's true that written testimonials are terrific, especially when accompanied by a picture, but oftentimes people are still skeptical if they are authentic or not.

You can't say that about a video testimonial. Video taping your successful boot campers talking about what a terrific camp you host is exponentially more powerful than a written testimonial. And whenever possible, video tape the campers before and after. Meaning, video tape them before they start the camp and after they've gone through it. That makes an even more compelling marketing message.

2) Exercise demonstrations

Prospective campers are going to be skeptical and curious no matter what. Many have no idea what they're "in for." Video taping exercise demonstrations and actual portions of your camp to put on your website gives prospects more than just an idea of what to expect. And not only will this increase attendance, it will also eliminate people from signing up who just aren't willing to work hard enough to get results.

3) Introduce yourself and other instructors

Anyone looking for information on a boot camp is going to want to know more about who will be coaching them. What better way to introduce yourself than by a video? It's much more personal than a written bio or resume. It allows you to let your enthusiastic personality shine through and immediately bonds you with your prospect.

4) The Video Metamorphosis

Along the lines of the "Before and After" testimonial model, you can pick specific participants from your camp to follow on a regular basis. You would video interview each participant before week of the camp. They can share their story about how they are feeling, why they joined, how much more energy they have, the weight they have lost, etc.

Imagine how powerful a marketing tool that is. It instantly relays to the skeptical prospect exactly what they can expect their experience to be like. And assuming you run a great fitness boot camp they won't be able to wait to get started!

5) Emphasize the fun and camaraderie

It's becoming more and more well-known that social support is an essential component of any successful weight loss program. When you add that to the fact people love to have fun and feel a part of something it's very important to make your camp a very supportive social atmosphere.

Any with video you can do more than talk about it on your website. You can show it! SO video tape your campers having a great time. Show your prospects the team work and the "hootin' and hollerin'"! Show them the good times - and hard work - that awaits them when you join.

6) The media loves video

Lastly, it's very important to understand that the media loves to cover boot camps because of all the great visuals. When you approach a member of the media about covering yours it's going to be a lot easier to get them to come when they see all the great videos on your site!

วันพุธที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

P90X #1: Why I am accomplishing this!

What the hell was I thinking? This is my intro vid, where I talk about my reasons for trying the famous infomercial program. Start date: January 14, 2008. Production values aren't great. I'll get better. Let me know if you are starting as well. I am not a fitness guru at all, so I'll be struggling through this 90 day program, especially the nutrition part. I'll have a companion blog as well.

วันอังคารที่ 16 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness Equipments You Need For Your Own Home Gym

Do you dream of having that perfect well-toned body, but you don't have the time or motivation to go to the nearest fitness center? If that's the case, why not consider buying some fitness equipments and converting your house into a gym?

Setting up a gym at your own home is easy to accomplish. No need to buy every fitness equipment you can get your hands on, as you'll spend more than it's necessary and you won't have space at home for all those fitness equipments.

The first thing you should do is find out what fitness equipments you need for your personal gym. Here are some fitness equipment suggestions to get you started:

- Dumbbell set: most come in 5 lbs, 8 lbs, and 12 lbs weight size. Make sure to pick a pair that has rubber handle grip. A good quality dumbbell should be inexpensive, should not roll away when placed down on the floor and should come with its own rack.

- Barbell set: this set often comes included with the dumbbells and also comes in different weight levels. Barbells are a good addition to dumbbells because as you get stronger from lifting dumbbells you want to progress on to lifting the heavier barbells to give your body a different workout. Barbells work various parts of your body such as the upper- and the mid-sections. Barbells can also increase your body stamina.

- Steps: steps are available in different height levels. They provide good aerobics and muscle-strengthening workout.

- Exercise balls. they help improve your balance and you body core strength. Exercise balls are widely used for abdominal workouts. For intermediate users the exercise ball can be used together with a weight bench to workout the stabilizer muscles while doing bench presses. Exercise balls can also be used for pushups, back extensions and lower body exercises.

- Weight lifting glove set: it helps protect your hands during weight training. It helps prevent swollen hands and rough calluses. A solid pair of weight lifting gloves is made from fabric that is comfortable and also allows sweat from the hand to evaporate so that the weights are less likely to slip out of your hands while weight training.

- Ankle weights: they are considered one of the cheaper fitness equipment. Ankle weights are commonly used for body toning and muscular endurance training so as to prevent muscle injury in the lower region.

- Exercise mat: it can be used for floor workouts. Try not to workout on your house carpet in case you slip and injure yourself. Make sure that you select a no-slip mat.

Having a gym with these fitness equipments in your house is much more economical and you'll now have all the time in the world for workout activities.

วันจันทร์ที่ 15 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Katus Attila - DVD forgatás

Attila első fitness DVD lemezének a felvételeibe nyerhetünk bepillantást.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 14 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Run a Fitness Boot Camp - Information for Fitness Instructors

Fitness instructors all over the world are touting the profit potential of fitness boot camp programs. These low-overhead and social fitness programs are very popular and provide for a healthy profit margin. Is it worth is to learn how to run a fitness boot camp to add to your current fitness programs? Are these bootcamps THAT profitable? Yes... they certainly are.

Fitness Boot Camps are an effective way to gain new clients and drastically improve the bottom line of your fitness business. There is next to no over-head required to run a boot camp program. No fancy equipment is necessary, no large fitness center - only a trainer. The main cost will be costs associated with marketing your boot camp training program, all of which will be quickly and easily recouped when you run your first boot camp program.

Potential exercise clients are attracted to the fitness camp concept mainly because they offer exercises that anyone can do. Boot camps also escape the stigma of exercise programs that are common with weight lifting and aerobics.

Fitness boot camps also begin to generate a community-like feel to them. As the instructor, you will notice the boot camp participants becoming friends and also see them helping each other with the exercises and training. A fitness bootcamp is also more recommended by word of mouth by present clients to potential clients than other forms of exercise programs.

Finding a location to run your boot camp-style fitness programs is simple and inexpensive - you can just about run them anywhere. You can run your exercise boot camp in the park, at school sports fields, around your neighborhood, or yes, even in your fitness facility. One woman I know makes a killing running a fitness boot camp for the moms in her local play group right from her BACK YARD!

Even with the booming popularity of boot camp programs, many fitness instructors are still not offering a boot camp program to their clients. For those on the fence about boot camp style fitness programs, remember this: Fitness boot camp market research shows that fitness centers that do NOT offer these programs are really lagging behind market demand....and are short-changing their bottom-line. Adding a fitness bootcamp program or two to your current list of services is a smart business move in the current exercise market.

วันเสาร์ที่ 13 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Benefits of Boxing Training Classes for Fitness In 2008

You may improve your health and have a physically fit body by getting into boxing training fitness programs. This is the best way for you to have a stronger body and gain confidence. Boxing workouts can help you to be at your best fighting form as well.

Many people see positive results from boxing trainings. You may build stronger and more defined arms and legs. These programs and classes also help you to gain a sense of inner strength and emotional balance.

Boxing training classes got across to the mainstream of physical fitness training a few years back. They have seen the benefits on the cardiovascular and toning of the muscles by these boxing training workouts. Tae-Bo work out videos also popularized these boxing and kickboxing exercises.

Cardio boxing training classes and the innovative variations of the sparring jabs, power punches, defense, and fitness has all blends of aerobics exercises. You will learn the proper execution of the punch and kick combinations for a more intensive workout that can help you become stronger and more confident.

The combinations you perform on the blocks, jabs, and kicks are executed to an imagined opponent. You may see classes where participants throw punches and kicks on the air. You will also find training camps that have quality equipment such as punching bags and you may also have the option of getting a partner that has padded hands.

You may also enjoy more benefits aside from the physical aspects of boxing trainings. Cardio kick boxing workouts allow you to burn out 350 to 500 calories in just an hour. It also helps maintaining the heart rate at 75 percent to 85 percent regular beat. This has been proven to be good and is the recommended range if you are exercising or into training.

Moreover, these boxing training classes improve your speed, resistance, and strength. Flexibility and the reflexes of the muscles are also enhanced. Repetitive motion on arms by sparring and jogging while you punch helps your arms and legs gain strength and power.

These workouts also enable your joint movements to build very efficient fitness results.
These movements require you to develop balance and coordination that enables your body to be stable and maintain a good form.

These physical benefits you gain from boxing and kickboxing are just few of the many benefits that they can provide. You will be able to learn more about defense mechanism skills, which you may use in case of unwanted instances. You will also feel the satisfaction when you punch or kick. Relaxation and self-motivation is also developed.

You will feel a sigh of relief and feel that you are released from stressed. It also helps you to get rid of that anger that is inside of you. Once these things are releases, you may feel lightness into your body and peace of mind as well.

Inevitably, when you hear the subject of boxing, ultimate fighting, or any contact sport, you will hear supplements advertised in the next sentence. Who better to look at for supplements than a company who has been making them successfully and marketing them to pro athletes, managers, trainers, and just people who love to work out - http://www.goldminez.com has a plethora of proven vitamins and energy drinks to more than keep you fit and trim in 2008.

What if I'm just a beginner to boxing for fitness? Many aerobic and fitness experts recommend boxing training lessons for beginners. It allows you to workout on your desired pace and body condition. Boxing classes let you to push yourself to the limit as long as you are safe and well conditioned.

Positive results await you with boxing training. You will enjoy a physically fit body and will keep you in better shape. You have the option working out and exercising at your preferred level and skill. Enjoy the fun of these boxing training programs.

วันศุกร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Inner Thigh and Oblique Exercise

With the start of Wimbledon 2009, we bring you a lower body and core exercise that will improve your tennis game or tone your legs, inner thighs, obliques & butt!! diet.com This exercise is not just for Tennis athletes. It's an excellent exercise using a medicine ball or dumbell and cone. It also works your core aka abs, obliques and low back. Check Out Diet.com Video! Diet.com: www.diet.com Subscribe to Our youtube Channel - www.youtube.com Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- www.diet.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.new.facebook.com itunes: tinyurl.com Sarah's Fitness Blog - www.examiner.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

วันพุธที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Eight Ways to Get Fit at Work

Some schedules don't leave much room for working out. If you have the motivation but you don't have the time, it is still possible to accumulate activity through out the day to stay healthy. All you have to do is exercise whenever and wherever you can.

Results don't necessarily require long hours in the gym. It's completely possible to stay healthy and get in to shape by "active living." Active living is simply, making your lifestyle more active. It's a very easy transition and can make a huge difference to your overall health and energy levels. Use some of the suggestions listed below to add activity in to your work day.

Eight Ways to Get in Shape at Work:

1. Go for a walk after you eat lunch. Convince your co-workers to come along, the extra motivation and company.

2. If your workplace has a gym, use it before or after work.

3. Use resistance tubes at your desk

4. Wear a pedometer to monitor your climb to 10 000 steps per day.

5.Always take the stairs over the elevator.

6.Walk everywhere. Hand deliver in-house messages instead of e mailing and walk instead of taking the car for local errands

7.Schedule your exercise. Make it an appointment and stick to it.

8.Stretch every hour to prevent stiff muscles, back and neck pain.

Find ways to add activity in to your busy routine. Exercising anytime you can, whether you are doing calf raises while waiting for photocopies or speed walking home will all add up. If you have the motivation, you will do it!

วันอังคารที่ 9 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fergie's Recent Slimdown Diet & Fitness Routine

Fergie is famous for her amazing body and curves. She is lean and toned all over and we found out how she did it! The black eyed peas singer doesn't starve herself or have any form of eating disorder, her wonderful thin body is a result of exercise and healthy eating. She loves salads, lean meats and yogurt.

What Does Fergie Eat?

Starving herself and reaching for the drugs aren't on Fergie's agenda! Although rumors have been circulating that she has taken Hoodia Gordonii in the past (the infamous Hollywood Size 0 Pill)

Fergie doesn't ban whole food groups, she stays in shape by making the best diet choices that she can in any given situation. The star avoids any fatty meat (such as lamb and rib) and fills up on the leanest and best quality cuts (e.g. fillet mignon) instead. She admits to even eating fast food. "Sometimes when you're on tour, that's the only thing there is. You just have to choose the right things. Salads are always good, ad I like chicken fajitas. And McDonald's has that yogurt parfait now."

How Does Fergie Workout?

Fergie was on the Tyra Banks show and gave the viewers a little preview of her workout plan. She trains religiously (at least 6 times a week) and credits walking uphill on the treadmill for 45-60 minutes per session for her figure and cellulite free booty! She also has been known to do the elliptical trainer and never skips her workout, even when on tour!

วันจันทร์ที่ 8 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Phoenix, AZ Kettlebell Fitness Systems: Tabata Protocol

kettlebellfitnesssystems.blogspot.com training,kettlebell exercise,kettlebell fitness,kettlebell exercises,kettlebells exercise,kettlebell workout,kettlebell workouts russian kettlebell,kettlebell routines,strength training,fitness training,fitness,personal trainer,fitness workouts,weight...

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Your Most Powerful Networking Tool

www.thenategreenexperience.com Nate Green, author of Built for Show and contributor to T-Nation, Men's Fitness, Men's Health, and Maximum Fitness magazine give away an awesome networking tip.

วันเสาร์ที่ 6 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Regiane DaSilva: 2009 Arnold Fitness Routine

australian-bodybuilding.com Fitness routine of IFBB 2009 Arnold Classic Ms Fitness International 4th place winner Regiane Da Silva. Regiane is a Brazilian now living in Germany Deutschland. This is Regiane's highest placing to date - tying her 4th place at the 2007 New York Fitness Pro. Prior to entering the sport of Fitness, Da Silva was a world class aerobics competitor who competed in the World Aerobics Championships in 1995. See our blog post for more on the 2009 ASC Fitness: australian-bodybuilding.com Video clip courtesy of bodybuilding.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness For Golf - Senior Golfers Must Implement a Fitness For Golf Program

Senior golfers need fitness for golf. This golf demographic is declining in physical abilities and the end result is a lower performance and enjoyment of the game of golf. Fitness for golf can change all that. Slowing down, if not stopping the affects of aging including strength decline, flexibility reduction, and coordination issues.

If you are in the segment of golfers, have you experienced a rapid decrease in driving distance and consistency?

If so, it's time to realize the "root cause" of it. I can tell you 100% it's a "physical" issue. You do not need to hit more balls or take more lessons. All you need to do is simple golf exercises and golf stretches to stop this physical decline and improve your golf swing technique.

Let me give you an example to make you a believer.

Do you struggle to make a FULL backswing? Have you tried to get back there all the way but the harder you try the worse your golf swing gets? The reason why is your current level of flexibility will not let you get back there. Currently it is physically impossible for you to get there, so try as hard as you want, you will NOT get there.

Until you start stretching those muscles specific to your golf backswing, you will continue to struggle and make your golf swing worse. It will be more inconsistent and erratic causing more mishits, weak shots and ball flights like a slice and maybe even a hook.

For every swing fault, there is a physical limitation causing it. I've said this for years. If you hear it anywhere else, someone has stolen my concept and approach. I have come to the conclusion that all golf instruction is wrong if it does not address the "physical" issues with each and every golfer.

You can take a dozen golf lessons, spend several hundred dollars and STILL not improve. I've heard this story time and time again. Don't waste another dollar on golf lessons or gimmicky training aids until you work on the "root" cause of your swing faults. YOUR BODY!

Do you want more fitness for golf information to improve your game?

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Why a Fitness Instructor Needs a Blog

No matter what business you run, you must have a web presence, there is now way around it. Because of advancements in technology, nearly all is acquired through traffic to a website, blog, or other informational and persuasive web site. No business nowadays, especially a fitness training business, can survive by paper ads and referrals alone.

Moreover, fitness professional businesses are in a highly competitive market, and because of this, you need to get started quickly. If this step in the process is missed, profits will be left on the table and your personal trainer business will not be working to its max.

Personal training includes the word "personal;" this means that the work entails obtaining personal data, speaking to customers on a personal level, and motivating individuals past their personal level of comfort to obtain results.

You Must Use The Net To Increase Your Cash Flow. This is why having a crisp, elegant, and professional look about your business is key. Traditional methods are useful but not as important as much as they once were - this is why a personal trainer must use the web to maximize profits.

Everyone in the business world knows that presence and image go a long way. If you do not have a way for people to see you and your business in an easy and convenient way, there will be many potential customers just hanging out there.

A blog or web site is crucial because since the client will be working with you on a personal level, he/she must trust you. And, not just what others say about you, but also, the way you present yourself, the look of your studio (not always applicable), the in-depth details about your services, and other details about your business.

Traditional Methods Are Just Not Enough. Marketing is contained within the 4 P's of marketing: Product, Price, Package, and Place. With Internet methods of advertising and marketing, a fitness instructor would advertise all parts of the equation. The product (your service), the place (your home or theirs), Price (discussed in the blog or web page), and Package (Overall feel of yourself and your business) would be covered in depth with the development of an effective and well put together blog. The same ingredients are critical in the big picture of success.

Fitness Professionals who stay in the olden days will remain a small operation. The super highway is a valuable and increasingly growing tool to build any business. Most people these days do not even pay attention to fliers and other modes of advertisement. However, most prospects these days search for services using the web. Therefore, it would not be uncommon for someone looking for a fitness instructor to use the Internet for their search.

Internet marketing can be intimidating when first starting. Its best to get some help from an expert. Luckily for you I have a blog and bootcamp course dedicated to marketing personal training businesses online which you can find by visiting my blog.

วันพุธที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lose Weight and Firm Up at Home With a New Spin on a Timeless Fitness Classic

So, I made the commitment to knock out my morning cardio on an empty stomach (step one to achieving wash board abs and loosing weight). Most mornings I simply jump on the elliptical or go for a quick run. But what should I do on those mornings where it is too cold to run, or when I get bored with the normal routine or when I am out of town and don't know the area? I was stumped until I came across the timeless classic of jumping rope.

Now if jumping rope brings back memories of carefree childhood frolicking and aimless self amusement, you may want to revisit this activity. Jumping rope is actually one of the most traditional and effective ways of exercising. It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise and one of the most effective total body exercises. When performed correctly, jumping rope is a complete exercise for the overall workout of one's calves, hamstrings, chest, back, shoulders, forearms and biceps. Even Bruce Lee once said that he thought that 10 minutes of rope jumping was worth 30 minutes of running.

Like most people, I thought at first that jumping rope was child's play, and didn't consider it seriously as exercise. That all changed when I read that for years, top athletes have been using the rope to condition for their sports. From Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Arnold Schwarzenegger to, Jerry Rice and Michael Chang, jumping rope is certainly not for sissies. If you want a real example of how intense a rope jumping workout can be check out Floyd Maywether Jr. or Muhammad Ali training with the rope on YouTube. These guys turn this simple activity into an art form.

The best part is you don't need much to get started. Here are the basics to keep in mind when jumping rope for fitness:

Wear good shoes - The best shoes for jumping rope are either aerobic shoes or cross-trainers. You need good cushioning and support because although there is not an excessive amount of movement, this is still considered a high-impact activity.

Get a rope - You probably have a jump rope somewhere in your house already. Otherwise, most ropes cost less than $10, while higher-quality ropes are around $20 and top-of-the-line models (made with the best materials) will set you back just $25.

Rope length - Standing in the middle of the rope, the handles should reach just below your shoulders.

Clear your space - All you need is enough ceiling height and room to turn the rope without knocking over a lamp or whipping nearby pets or family members.

Mechanics - Lightly grip the handles near the end closest to the rope. Turn the rope from the wrist and aim to keep a smooth arc in the rope as it passes over your head. If you find yourself needing a break but you don't want to stop completely, twirl the rope from side to side. When you jump, keep your arms relaxed and slightly bent, and keep your upper-body movements to a minimum. Remember that jumping rope is a skilled movement-it takes both coordination and timing to rope with each jump. Jump only high enough to clear the rope, with light ankle-knee motion. During jumping, the rope should skim the surface lightly and your feet should not kick back behind you.

Once you master the basics, there are many additional options and techniques to sample to improve your fitness level and keep you challenged.

A jump rope makes a great addition (or start) to your home gym. And best of all it can fit nicely in a drawer, suitcase, or briefcase. Bring back this timeless classic and be amazed as you build agility, speed, balance, and coordination, while improving your overall fitness level.

วันอังคารที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness - Sexy Psycho Workout

To follow Zuzana's daily home workouts, diet tips and healthy recipes visit her blog: www.bodyrock.Tv

วันจันทร์ที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Volleyball Drills - ideal for fitness,

Exercises volleyball can be used on your overall fitness goals. Volleyball practices are intense and heavy on skills. Volleyball exercises are one way we can maintain a high level of general welfare. If you choose to practice the right exercises for volleyball, and if you have an intense commitment, can you!


Drills for this sport can cause pressure on certain muscles of the body, so that before qualifying, be sure to stretching and heating.One of the traditional volleyball warm up is to jump rope. Skip the force developed and velocity of the ankle, which is to walk the game is crucial. Jump rope for five minutes to warm the heart and body. The next step in volleyball warm-up exercises should be spent on the swing leg, hamstring stretches, arm circles and stretching every other problem areas.

Static and dynamic traits:

These two lines are important for the drill volleyball. Findstatic stretching for all levels for exercise and for a few seconds before moving on to the next level flight. Next dynamic routes, which have no way to stop or endpoint. In this range for the exercises in volleyball, fluid from one piece to another without stopping or breaking points.

Force Volleyball Drills:

In these exercises, your body for the next volleyball practice will be prepared, lunges, step-ups, V-sits, push-ups and the wallsits.

Agility exercises:

Agility exercises are good for the body because they increase the possibility of the body to develop their physical skills and endurance to offer. The first hole is the side shuffle, where to stay low to keep the thighs parallel to the floor, as, as you can. Shuffle some six meters left and then right again. Drilling in the future will be a sprint with the change, to stop where it flew for six yards and then sprint again immediately in the otherDirection. If you stop, be sure to take the movement outside of the hip and leg, as a little 'bend the knee. Repeat these exercises for volleyball two changes in both legs.

Cone Volleyball Drills:

These are three-cone drill a lateral shuffle that is sudden change of direction outside of each cone contribution as requested by spring. They are a zip-zag strung through the inside of the three cones. Sure to keep your hips lowerthe ground as possible and keep the body stable during rigorous movements. The hips and shoulders should remain square, so you do not turn in the direction you move in. You can also use a ten o'clock o'clock cone side shuffle, which is more challenging. Yes cone with the line of ten, make sure you come on foot directly in front of each cone. As you reach the back end of the ten cones, turning around a zig-zag as in the cone drill three lateral shuffle. How did you ZickZack, if you have a partner, he / she will be executed, the ten-cone.

This intensive training to improve your fitness, stamina and strength. If you think, as you may learn more about these exercises are interested, check out the online resources, the local high school, and / or reference library.