วันจันทร์ที่ 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Benefits of the Stepper-Stair Master

The step machine is a gym staple but often overlooked for more popular equipment such as the treadmill and elliptical trainer. Do you want to know why people skip this butt blaster? Probably because it is SO HARD! Nothing will get you sweating like this machine.

Benefits of the Stair Master

1. A great lower body workout that really works the glutes and hamstrings. Other cardio exercises focus more on the quads but not this one!

2.Improve everyday stair climbing. If you find yourself out of breath after running up your stairs at home or work, the stepper will fix that right up!

3. Train for a stair race. The CN Tower has their annual stair climb for the World Wildlife Foundation. To say you climbed all the way up the CN Tower is pretty cool. So start training!

4. A home stepper is quite small and inexpensive and can be moved easily, unlike other cardio equipment. You can step in front of the TV or even out on the deck, depending on your mood.

5. The stepper is a challenging cardio exercise that will improve heart health and burn lots of calories.

When you start out, I suggest hopping on the stepper for only about 10-15 minutes at a time on an easy level. It can take a few tries to get the rhythm and coordination down. Try adding it with 15 minutes on another machine, like the treadmill or stationary bicycle. This is a great way to challenge your body and not get bored by using only one piece of equipment.

Try The Stepper!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness Workout Programs - Revealed - The Foolproof Way Of Finding The One For You

It now seems there are thousands of fitness workout programs available on the weight loss market, however a large number of them are simply junk. This article will give you a few pointers of what to look for to find one of the better ones.

1) Look at who they are written for. Many fitness workout programs are written by super fit people that fail to understand that not everyone can do what they do or anything near it. This means a fair amount of those purchasing workout programs find the ones they get too hard to complete. These kind of programs can lead to serious injury if your body isn't used to these types of work out.

2) Options should also be offered in a fitness program. A variety of options being made available will make the program more accessible and flexible, which is important in todays world of hectic lifestyles.

3) Can you achieve what the program asks of you? If the program requires daily workouts or a fair amount of time to give a week, do you have that time available?

4) Does the fitness program sound right for you? If you don't want to go to a gym but the program requires such a chore or for you to fork out on the equipment - then it probably isn't right for you.

5) Make sure some sort of nutritional advice is included in the program as this is more important than the actual workout. Without the right nutrition for your aims you may not lose weight, gain weight or achieve whatever your aim is.

If you check for these factors before you decide upon any fitness workout program it may save you some money and help you to identify the perfect program for you.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Scott Sonnon - World Renowned Tactical Fitness Coach

If you have been exercising fruitlessly and your body shows more signs of damage than muscle, then you need to change your outlook on body fitness routines. If you truly want to build rock hard muscle and want to excel in various martial arts or sports such as rugby, football, tennis, swimming etc then you need to follow the teachings of Scott Sonnon.

As a child Scott Sonnon faced several health challenges such as crippling pain in his joints, dyslexia and several other physical and mental disabilities that might have permanently disabled any other child. However, through sheer grit, Sonnon faced and overcame those challenges and ultimately winning the silver medal in the World University Games in 1993.

He then became the Pan American Sambo champion in 1994, and was then the National Sambo coach of the U.S. Sambo Association in the same year. This was followed by several accolades, awards and recognitions by various departments including the Police Department.

However, it was Scott Sonnon's famous fitness invention known as the "Clubbell" that won him worldwide recognition along with a patent in 2003 for this innovative design that he used in his "Circular Strength Training" Program. The result was that the fitness regimen invented Sonnon is now implemented rigorously in around 58 countries around the world.

In 2009, Sonnon was appointed coach of the U.S. martial arts team that would compete in the World Martial Art games that were to be held in 2010. In 2009, he also created a world record with his 25 lbs Clubbell by doing 1433 mill repetitions within one hour.

If you simply need to learn from the best then you should embark on the Circular Strength Training Program initiated by Scott Sonnon. This multi-pronged approach to total fitness ensures that you do not get bored with a single workout routine. You will be able to learn the correct method of using various exercising equipment and products such as medicine balls, monkey bars, sandbags, Kettlebells and of course his ultimate training tool, the Clubbell. In fact, you can even register with his coach training program that will allow you to master all the patented techniques before teaching it to other interested students.

If you are interested enough to listen to the fitness sermons of Scott Sonnon, then you can attend any one of his public seminars, although if you do want a one-on-one training session with him then you would need to book well in advance since he is normally booked throughout the year.

However, you can be sure of a life-turning experience once you meet this multi-faceted fitness expert and follow his path to total physical and mental fitness. The main objective of his training is based on achieving maximum efficiency in each workout but still recover quickly enough to perform the next set of exercises and that too with equipment that can even fit in a small closet.

If you truly want to gain valuable and unseen insights into achieving a new level of fitness as you pursue various martial arts or sports then you need to train from one of the best coaches in the world. You should definitely try out the Circular Strength Training Program initiated by Scott Sonnon so as to achieve a totally new level of fitness that you might have never thought possible.

วันพุธที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness - Slap That Butt Workout

To follow Zuzana's daily home workouts and diet tips visit her fitness blog: www.BodyRock.Tv

วันอังคารที่ 25 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Chest & Tricep Workout

Please visit the weekly blog that includes this workout at www.fitmix.net . www.Fitmix.net is a free online fitness program.

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

LLCoolJ's Men's Fitness awning shoot - Part 3

Part 3 of LLCoolJ's Men's Fitness cover shoot produced by Boomdizzle

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness - Ball Buster Workout

To follow Zuzana's daily workouts visit her free fitness blog www.BodyRock.Tv

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Tips For Running Beginners

There is an onslaught of new fitness regimen. Different types claim to provide different benefits. However, what remains to be the best exercise is the good old running activity. It's a total body work out and does not cost a lot.

Below are some tips if you are just getting on with your game.

What to Wear
1. Wear spandex or cycling shorts under your regular running shorts to avoid burns that may be cause by your legs constantly and rapidly rubbing against each other.
2. Invest on good running socks to protect your skin from developing blisters.
3. For the women, wear a sports bra not a regular bra. It's an investment.
4. Buy clothes that are light. You don't need the additional weight.

Running Basics
5. Run at a phase where breathing is still comfortable.
6. Increase the distance of your run every two weeks. Increase it by 500m at a time.
7. Warm up before a run, stretch after the run. Warm up until you begin to sweat.
8. When you feel lazy, just warm up your body will naturally get in the mood to run.
9. Straighten your back but don't be stiff.
10. Look up, don't look down when running.
11. Shake your shoulders and arms periodically so as to not have cramps and muscle pain.
12. Rehydrate before the run after a warm up and during your run. You will be surprised at the extra energy you will find from rehydrating.
13. Drink something with electrolytes.
14. Eat at least an hour and a half before you run. You need the energy.

Keep Yourself Motivated
15. Join a community of runners, that will keep you motivated and will give you some support group.
16. Join local races. You don't have to win the race, just keep on improving your time.
17. Listen to music while running.
18. Do not compare yourself to others. Run within yourself and for yourself first. Each runner is different.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

I Lost 30 Pounds and Ran A 5K!

My fitness blog: www.merryftl.wordpress.com SHVP Rap www.youtube.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Why Join a Fitness Club?

Rest assured that there are a lot of reasons why you should join a fitness club but there's only one reason that you'll even feel marginally reluctant to join a fitness club and it's called MEMBERSHIP FEES.

Still, don't let this dissuade you. After all, you can't expect to reap all the benefits of joining a fitness club for free right?

Fitness Clubs - Helping you Achieve your Fitness Goals

Fitness clubs motivate you. Exercising alone is no fun and even if you are not with an exercise buddy, the atmosphere in fitness clubs alone is often enough to energize you into 'getting back on track' with your fitness goals. However, don't worry that you won't find your own 'personal space' in fitness clubs. Most people, like you, appreciate the ambience but are quick to leave you alone.

Fitness clubs offer savings. There is no doubt that various fitness machines have proven themselves to be extremely effective. However, to buy them all would cost a fortune! This is really one of the main reasons to go for a fitness club membership. Sure, you might pay a steep amount especially if you are going for a well-equipped fitness club, but considering that you get access to numerous equipment, consider it a worthwhile investment to your overall fitness goals.

Fitness clubs give you access to fitness professionals. Fitness centers truly worth their salt are staffed with professional nutritionists, dieticians, fitness consultants and personal trainers. Most of the time, access to these people are included in your membership fee so do take advantage of them!

Fitness clubs offer pleasant pleasures. Great amenities such as saunas, steam rooms, spacious shower and changing rooms, and perhaps a swimming pool are all great 'perks' that come with a fitness club membership. So exercise and enjoy!

What to Look for in a Fitness Club

All geared up to join fitness club. Following are a couple of pointers you should consider.

Consider your own fitness goals and what particular type of activity really encourages you. For instance, if you are more into aerobic workouts, join a fitness club that offers aerobics classes and offers a host of aerobic fitness machines. On the other hand, if you're idea of an overall body workout is swimming ensure that the fitness club has a great swimming pool.

Location, location, location. The best fitness club to join is to the one that you have ready access to. Believe me, if that 'perfect' fitness club is all the way across the other side of town, chances are, you will NOT go as often as you should and you would have just wasted money joining it.

Friendly and reliable fitness club staff. Although one of the main factors to join a fitness club is the range of fitness equipment they offer, it is important that they have professional staff that are accessible to you all the time. For instance, some fitness clubs claim that they have in-house trainers and consultants but many customers are never able to 'consult' with them. If you are a novice with fitness equipment or are just starting out on your fitness goals, this point should be big consideration with you.

วันพุธที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Consigli Forma fisica e Artimarziali

MY BLOG chienkiri.blogspot.com ecco il link come promesso del forum fightingstyle.forumfree.net se passate anche solo per un saluto mi farebbe piacere spero vi siate divertite con il mio montaggi oe alla prossima :)

วันอังคารที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Best Ab Workout Circuit by Tone It Up

This is the best ab workout circuit from Katrina and Karena at Toneitupcom. Visit www.toneitup.com and workout with Fitness Models Ab Workout. Subscribe to our channel and sign up at our blog for free workouts. Fitness Model Youtube Workout Tone up at home using Karena and Katrina's recipes and workouts. Our online Fitness Magazine has healthy recipes, workouts, fitness videos, yoga moves and cooking videos.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553


FUNK ROBERTS FITNESS BLOG WWW.FUNKROBERTSFITNESS.COM FIT, FIRM N FAB FITNESS NUTRITION AND WELLNESS FOR WOMEN HTTP Dumbbell Workout #1 (QUICK) 8 Exercises - 3 sets of 10 reps per exercise (3 X 10) Rest for 30 seconds between exercises and 60 seconds between sets BEGINNER WORKOUT #1 1. DUMBBELL SQUATS (3 SETS X 10 REPS) 2. DUMBBELL ROMANIAN DEADLIFTS (3 X 10) 3. DUMBBELL FLAT BENCH PRESS (3 X 10) 4. STANDING DUMBBELL SHOULDER PRESS (3 X 10) 5. SINGLE ARM DUMBBELL ROW (3 X 10) EACH ARM 6. DUMBBELL KICKBACKS (3 X 10) EACH ARM 7. ALTERNATE DUMBBELL STANDING CURLS (3 X 10) EACH ARM 8. DUMBBELL CALF RAISES (3 X 10) EACH LEG ADVANCED 8 Exercises - 3 Circuits/Rounds Perform each exercise one after the other with no rest 30 SECONDS per exercise (PER BODYPART) Rest for 60-90 seconds and repeat circuit two more times YOU WILL NEED A GYMBOSS TIMER - tinyurl.com SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Summer Slimming Arm Workout Routine

Try this easy and quick summer slimming arm workout routine and get toned up for bikini season. diet.com *Sponsor: Peel away the pounds with Solani - www.diet.com Purchase this workout video for less than a buck! Click on download to watch while you workout at the gym for just $0.75!!!! Check Out Diet.com Video! Diet.com: www.diet.com Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- www.diet.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.new.facebook.com iTunes: tinyurl.com Sarah's Fitness Blog - www.examiner.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness and Health - The Real Key to Weight Loss?

Fitness and diet has turned the center of attention of obesity, to a war on losing weight in these days of a fast food world. In fact, multitudes of our population are realizing that the key to losing weight has to be some form of fitness training and diet which is a necessity to good health. With the hectic lifestyle of our society today, most people are leaning more towards overall fitness in a greater hope to chisel your own physique to reach that lean and fit look. As a result, gyms, wellness centers and diversified fitness facilities, are rising up all across the world to assist the needs of health oriented people.

With the influx of infomercials selling exercise machines, weight loss products, and other muscle building supplements, consumers are finally seeing that by implementing some of these products to their fitness training and diet routines will create better health; and for people who are overweight, monumental weight loss. Please remember that exercise by itself cannot construct that do-it-yourself physique. It really entails a greater call to duty by regulating the types of foods one chooses to eat.

Losing weight is fundamentally an exercise all by itself. Dieting for fitness provides an enormous amount of fuel and nutrients your body need to lose weight. Fitness training and your diet should never be interpreted as a negative mindset. With the ongoing popularity of incorporating fitness and diet, research, programs, and dieting strategies are constantly being tested to push the grandness of total health.

But fitness training and diet alone is certainly not the cure all for losing weight and gaining fitness. One must educate themselves about his/her goals to achieve overall health. Significant studies have been done to show that the fastest way to weight loss can only be achieved by creating a fitness workout, and a diet program that is suitable to your nutritional preferences, lifestyle, and your past medical history.

A well balanced fitness and diet program can assist you on your way to overall fitness and improve your health. Health gurus abroad agree that implementing exercise and diet in a well balanced daily routine will reduce the risks of some cancers. When working on a diet plan, try to have your last meal at least by early evening. The body needs time to digest your food before your good nights sleep to rejuvenate itself.

Fitness and diet should be in unison with our day-to-day activities and should not be looked at as a cumbersome task. A daily routine of at least 20 minutes of fitness, and a healthy diet can bring about significant health changes to your life.

Remember, with hard work, and determination, a fitter life-style means putting together a master plan towards looking good, eating healthy, and achieving your overall health and fitness goals.

วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Zumba Fitness: 2010 World Natural Hair Health & Beauty Show

Zumba Fitness performs at the 2010 World Natural Hair Health & Beauty Show in Atlanta, GA Twitter: twitter.com Blog: www.naturalchica.com Facebook Fan Page www.facebook.com

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 13 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Start A Blog And Make Money

So you desire to recognize how to create a blog and earn money online? You might not still know it but you are thinking in the way that is almost certainly the best rising section of money makers in the world nowadays. There are so a lot of approaches you can get when learn how to create a blog and earn money on the internet.

There are a lot of bloggers who construct and advertise their blogs to draw millions of embattled readers and then put up for sale ad legroom to companies advertising blog connected products. You can also place associate links and create a very pleasant living serving companies sell their products & services.

The key to blogging online for currency is to recognize how to arrangement a blog around your selected subject and find connected search conditions that have a good quantity of on a daily basis searches internet wide. You then have to construct and promote your blog about that search term to start driving guests to your site.

The chilly thing is that it does not stuff what you desire to blog about, one time you find out how to create blog and earn money online the correct way you can obtain any topic and employ it to earn extra money.

The solution to writing on the internet is not what you desire to write concerning but how you write about the topic to draw the uppermost volume of site guests you perhaps can reach.

Deficient to blog for wealth is a grand start. Now all you have to perform is study how to job with SEO and find out how to recognize what search conditions people employ and you can start to create a reliable income online.

Involved in getting a grand free video sequence that is frankly related to learning how to create a blog and earn money online? You can pursue along with the video series step by step.

Blogs have established to be a flourishing source of profits for many people, creation use of guest information and publicity to give a monetary prize for their writing and thought. A lot of people make use of Google Ad Sense but there are advertisers eager to compensate straight for space on a well-liked blog. Underneath are some of the extra well-liked blog topics where admired and well written blogs can earn capital.

• Healthiness and Fitness - Civilization is now more conscious than ever about fit living, and many people are searching for fast solutions to every day fitness and health troubles. Excellence content concerning tips and products can observe people visiting your site or blog, and day by day updates will observe them go back each and every day.

• Pop idol chitchat - The prosperous and well-known are more than ever in attention, and hundreds of thousands of natives are looking to discover the negligible details about their favorite superstars. It may be hard to realize any original information but it is easy to convey all obtainable information jointly to make sure that your blog is the middle basis of information from devoted fans.

So we can conclude that blogging is a very easy way to make money online.

วันพุธที่ 12 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Top 4 Muscle Building Supplements

Click Below For A FREE 8-Part Muscle Gain Course: www.MuscleGainTruth.com Learn how to build muscle and gain weight with these free natural bodybuilding tips. Improve your health, increase your energy, skyrocket your confidence and feel better than ever before... Click Below For A FREE 8-Part Muscle Gain Course www.MuscleGainTruth.com ======================================= Want More FREE Tips & Strategies? My Muscle Building Blog www.MuscleGainTruth.com My Fat Loss & Six Pack Ab Blog: www.HowToBurnFat.com ======================================= Friend & Follow Me! Add Me On Facebook: www.SeansFacebook.com Follow Me On Twitter www.Twitter.com

วันอังคารที่ 11 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Planning Your Fitness Program-Fitness

You now know that regular physical activity and exercise can help you avoid preventable diseases and add to both the quality and length of your life. If you are currently active, you are more aware of the benefits of regular physical activity and should be motivated to continue your efforts. If you are sedentary or sporadically active, you realize that you should not delay one day longer in making the behavioral changes necessary to improve your fitness level.
Identifying Your Fitness Goals

Before you initiate a fitness program, analyze your personal needs, limitations, physical activity likes and dislikes, and daily schedule. If you have inherited no major risks for fatal or debilitating diseases, your specific goal may be to achieve(or maintain) healthy levels of body fat, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, or flexibility/mobility.

Once you become committed to regular physical activity and exercise, you will observe gradual changes and note progress toward your goals. Unfortunately, you can't get fit for a couple of years while you're young and expect the positive changes to last the rest of your life. You must become committed to fitness for the long haul-to establish a realistic schedule of diverse exercise activities that you can maintain and enjoy throughout your life.
Designing Your Fitness Program

Once you commit yourself to becoming physically active, you must decide what type of fitness program is best suited to your needs. Good fitness programs are designed to improve or maintain cardio respiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and body composition. A comprehensive program could include a warm-up period of easy walking followed by stretching activities to improve flexibility, then selected strength development exercises, followed by performance of an aerobic activity for 20 minutes or more, and concluding with a cool-down period of gentle flexibility exercises.

The greatest proportion of your exercise time should be spent developing cardiovascular fitness, but you should not exclude the other components. Choose an aerobic activity you think you will like. Many people find cross training alternate-day participation in two or more aerobic activities(ie, jogging and swimming)-less monotonous and more enjoyable than long-term participation in only one aerobic activity. Cross training is also beneficial because it strengthen:, a variety of muscles, thus helping you avoid overuse injuries to muscles and joints.

Responding to the exercise boom, fitness equipment manufacturers have made it easy for you to participate in a variety of activities. Most colleges and universities now have recreation centers where students can use stair-climbing machines, stationary bicycles, treadmills, rowing machines, and ski-simulators.
What Do You Think?

You now have the ability to design your own fitness program. What two activities would you select for a cross-training program? Do the activities you selected exercise different major muscle groups?

Cross training Regular participation in two or more types of exercises (e.g., swimming and weight lifting)

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553



วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The Diet Solution Program Review - Can the Diet Solution Manual Really Help You Burn Fat?

The Diet Solution Program is a weight loss program that can help you lose body fat and increase your energy and vitality. It contains 6 ebooks and was created by Isabel De Los Rios, a certified nutritionist and certified exercise specialist.

But, what makes this program so special?

It doesn't focus on calories, but on insulin:
Eating fewer calories, won't do the trick. What you need to do is to keep the insulin in your body at normal levels. Insulin and weight gain often go hand in hand. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the absorption of sugar. The more insulin your body secretes, the more glucose gets into your cells and all the glucose that your cells don't use, accumulates as fat.
So, how to you regulate insulin and achieve weight loss? You need to avoid eating anything that is white. That means no white bread, pasta, crackers, flour based products, white potatoes and white rice. Of course, you can still eat chicken, turkey, fish, cauliflower and white pork. Also don't eat anything that contains wheat, even if it's whole wheat. Many packaged snack foods contain wheat so be sure to read the food labels.

It tells you to Eat To Lose Weight:
There is no need to starve yourself in order to lose weight. Eating fewer calories than your body needs will just reduce your metabolism and sabotage your weight loss efforts. You just need to eat the right foods, so that the excessive fat will simply melt away, without pushing your body to its limits.

It completely changes everything you knew about diets:
Are you one of those people who are doing everything they are "supposed" to be doing, but still can't lose weight? Then, according to the Diet Solution Program, you are doing something wrong. For example, you may be using artificial sweeteners in an effort to cut down on calories. But, did you know that artificial sweeteners may be keeping you fat?

They overwhelm your liver with toxins so that it can't process nutrients and fats effectively. Your liver is your largest internal organ, and it's responsible for breaking down everything that enters your body and for distinguishing between the nutrients you need to absorb and the substances that must be filtered out of your bloodstream. But when the liver gets filled with toxins, like artificial sweeteners, it becomes incapable of breaking down fat and you are likely to have a great difficulty losing weight.

วันเสาร์ที่ 8 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Three Mental Benefits to Exercise

By now it's obvious that exercise improves quality of life. There are the physiological benefits like making your heart more efficient and the physical, like becoming lean, losing weight and having defined muscles.

Here are three mental benefits to fitness that will drastically improve your life:

1. Determination. When you plan to reach a goal, plot out the steps necessary and consistently work toward the target, you are learning how to finish what you start and making ideas and desires a reality. Being determined means that you know what you want and you will figure out how to get it. Employers love this!

2. Time management and organization. Trying to fit a workout session in to an already busy schedule, plus planning the exercises in their proper order, definitely improves time management and organization skills. These traits are useful when you are in school, or when you are taking care of your family. Soon the phrase "I don't have time" will be completely eliminated from your vocabulary.

3. An agile brain. Exercise makes your brain sharp. A healthy, fit brain means you can answer questions more quickly, think clearly and have a better memory. Having a healthy brain is useful no matter what point you are at in life.

Fitness has so many benefits that it's crazy not to exercise. Caring about your own health and wellness is important. If you don't care about yourself, who will? Exercise shows dramatic improvements in all aspects of life, not just with your physical body.


วันศุกร์ที่ 7 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

My Birthday Present

Don't I have the best Grandma ever?

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Five Tricks to Burn Five Hundred Calories

Alright, you have made the commitment to losing weight at a healthy pace instead of opting in to a fad diet or questionable workout routine. Your reasonable, but challenging goal is to lose 2 lbs a week. Remember the formula. Calories in minus calories out equals weight gain or loss. Eat 3500 calories more than you burn and you gain 1 pound. Burn 3500 calories more than you consume you lose one pound. Pretty simple right?

Let's start with diet. You don't have to starve yourself. As a matter of fact starving yourself will do far more harm than good. In my previous article "Number 1 Strategy for Controlling your Calories" I cover the basics. After you determine the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight you are going to want to cut about 500 calories. 500 calories times seven days equals 3500 calories. Congratulations, you just lost one pound.

Now, the hard part. How do you burn 500 calories a day with exercise? Here are five tricks that will help you reach your weight loss goals. But don't be discouraged if burning 500 calories is too difficult. Work your way up to it. As you replace fat with muscle your body will become more efficient and your metabolism will speed up. Fat is dead weight, muscle burns calories all day long. As your body becomes more efficient you will be burning calories at an accelerated pace. Below is for demonstration purposes only and outlines the amount of effort you would have to apply to burn 500 calories. Pick and choose the routines that work for you and don't over do it. Talk to a physician before starting a workout plan.

If you weigh 180 lbs and you walk at 5 miles per hour in just under four hours you will have burned 500 calories. Wow, that doesn't sound very reasonable does it. If you have a gym membership, which is a good idea for any weight loss plan, try a spinning class. That same 180 pound person can burn over three hundred calories during that same hour.

Spinning class twice a week 640 calories. We are on our way to that magic number.

Another standard piece of equipment at the gym is the elliptical trainer. There is a secret to getting the most out of this device that I rarely see people taking advantage of. H.I.I.T this easy to remember moniker stands for High Intensity Interval Training. The way this works is simple and it will only take 20 minutes of your day. This is my training speeds with the machine's difficulty level set on 10 (50%). Change the speeds to match your fitness level and keep an eye on your heart rate. You don't want to exert yourself beyond the point of being able to hold a normal conversation. First three minutes warm up at 4-5 miles per hour. Each minute after that I increase my speed by 1 mile an hour. Once I reach 9 miles per hour I slow back down to 5 mph and then repeat. Remember, adjust the speeds to your fitness level and always consult a physician before starting a workout/weight loss program.

Elliptical training twice a week. 600 calories.

The next training tip is only for those with knees and other joints strong enough to handle it. Start with the spinning and elliptical trainer, they are much easier on the joints. After a couple of weeks add this to your routine. Run 1 mile as a warm-up. You can do this! Using the 180 pound example that will be around 250 calories. Run the second mile implementing H.I.I.T. To do this. Walk for 200 strides. Sprint for 200 strides. Repeat this until you have finished your second mile. Sprint will mean something different for every person depending on their abilities and fitness level. Remember don't push yourself beyond the point of being able to hold a normal conversation. Not only will this second mile burn a lot of calories, it will improve the time you run your first mile in.

H.I.I.T. Running 1 time per week 550 calories

The next tip gets a little technical but it is worth the effort to understand. Tabata training. Or as I refer to him in my bootcamp classes. The Evil Dr. Tabata. This is a very simple technique you can use to finish your daily workouts. You are not limited to doing squats, you can substitute push-ups or jump squats. You can do this on the elliptical trainer or spinning. Essentially anything that gets your heart rate up. You will do 8 squats in 20 seconds. Follow this with 10 seconds of rest. 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by ten seconds of rest. Repeat for 4 minutes. Be very strict on the timing for maximum results. This is a grueling workout that was aimed at increasing the fitness of Olympic caliber athletes. So work your way up to this. The reason it is so effective is E.P.O.C.H. An acronym that refers to calories burned after you stop working out. Tabata drills can continue to burn calories for up to 2 days. This can add up to 75 calories burned per day to your total. 7 times 75 equals 525.

Tabata drills - every other day. 525 calories

Are we there yet? Almost. The next element is crucial to your success. Kettlebells. If you haven't added them to your fitness routine, now is the time. A twenty minute kettlebell routine can burn up to 400 calories. To learn more about kettlebells, check out my blog. But a good routine will consist of swings, press/pulls, Turkish get-ups and squats. Kettlebells 3 times a week equals 1200 calories.

To sum it up.

Spinning class 2xwk - 640 cal
Elliptical H.I.I.T 2xwk - 600 cal
H.I.I.T. Running 1xwk - 550 cal
Tabata drills 3xwk - 525 cal
kettlebells 3 times per week - 1200 cal

Grand total - 3515 calories

Nobody said it was going to be easy! Focus on your diet and cutting calories there. Gradually increase your workouts. As your conditioning improves your metabolism will speed up. The weight will begin to fall off. Don't obsess over the scale. Your body will be replacing muscle with fat - so the numbers won't always reflect your progress.

วันพุธที่ 5 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

The #1 Muscle Building Workout Tool

Click Below For A FREE 8-Part Muscle Gain Course: www.MuscleGainTruth.com Learn how to build muscle and gain weight with these free natural bodybuilding tips. Improve your health, increase your energy, skyrocket your confidence and feel better than ever before... Click Below For A FREE 8-Part Muscle Gain Course www.MuscleGainTruth.com ======================================= Want More FREE Tips & Strategies? My Muscle Building Blog www.MuscleGainTruth.com My Fat Loss & Six Pack Ab Blog: www.HowToBurnFat.com ======================================= Friend & Follow Me! Add Me On Facebook: www.SeansFacebook.com Follow Me On Twitter www.Twitter.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 3 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Elíptica NORDICTRACK - Audiostrider 900

O Elíptico NordicTrack AudioStrider 800 possui várias características inovadores e exclusivas, que irão proporcionar um treinamento com segurança, conforto e tecnologia, tudo isso para você alcançar os seus objetivos de treinamento O BLOG !!! blog.fitnessboutique.pt www.fitnessboutique.pt

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness Assessments - An Important Screening Tool Before Starting a Fitness Program

We've all heard the advice before starting an exercise program: "See your doctor before you begin." Often, many adults disregard this advice, presuming that it doesn't really apply to them. However, regardless of your age, your current fitness level, or your health history, it's always important to make sure that exercise is safe and appropriate for you before embarking on a new exercise program.

Fitness assessments -- also known as pre-participation health screenings, or fitness tests -- are important screening tools to determine the presence of risk factors and any symptoms of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases, as well as other health conditions which may be adversely affected by exercise. The fitness assessment provides key information that can be used to develop a prescription of exercise that helps you achieve your health goals quickly, but safely.

These can range from simple self-administered questionnaires, to a physical examination and even complex diagnostic screening tests. Typically, the physician creating your exercise prescription will determine the screening procedures appropriate for his or her patient population.

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) suggests three levels of fitness testing prior to participation in an exercise or sports program. In a Level 1 Screening, only a self-administered questionnaire is completed. The Level 2 Screening is more detailed, and can involve a medical history, physical examination, and laboratory testing. Level 3 Screening involves an even more detailed physical examination and exercise stress testing.

Most often, only the first level screening is performed. However, according to the ACSM, it is not inappropriate to perform all three levels of fitness testing, since the information obtained from all three screening steps can actually enhance your exercise prescription's safety and effectiveness.

Fitness assessments typically focus on identifying the presence of major cardiovascular risk factors, looking for symptoms suggesting possible cardiovascular, pulmonary, or metabolic disorders. However, other important areas of consideration include your baseline joint range of motion and level of flexibility, since design of your exercise program should ideally take these into consideration in order to be completely safe. Your body composition and a test of your strength and endurance should also be performed, primarily to obtain a baseline so that you can see how much you've improved by the end of your exercise prescription.

Finally, perhaps the most important part of a fitness test is to make sure that those who have demonstrated some risks or health concerns are referred for additional evaluation. The presence of health risks doesn't necessarily preclude you from participating in a fitness program, but your exercise prescription may need to be altered to allow for safe participation and to maximize health benefits.

Copyright Healthy U, LLC. All rights reserved.

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

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