วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Can Google AdSense Help My Blog Make Money?

Perhaps one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog is by adding Google AdSense. This type of advertising will work with almost any type of blog, and depending on the traffic your website receives this can be quite lucrative. One key thing is that you can not tell your readers to click on the ads.

Can you add HTML to your blog?

AdSense is also rather easy to use as long as you are able to modify the HTML code of your website. Most blogs that are self-hosted (meaning you installed or had someone install your blog) allow code modifications. After you sign up with Google AdSense all you do is insert a few lines of HTML code into your blog.

Is your blog content related?

If your blog has good content, then the ads will pick up keywords needed to ad related text ads. AdSense will then run ads relevant to the keywords on your website. Yet if your Fitness blog has a couple posts about your new kitten, the ads will not be related to your topic. This is another reason you want to make certain most of your posts are related to your actual topic.

How does AdSense work?

When visitors click on an advertisement you get paid. Since you are using keywords related to your niche, your ads are related. Thus the ads are interesting to your readers giving them a reason to click. Once you have signed up you can tract your earnings, daily, weekly, monthly or however you like. How do I sign up?

How do I sign up?

Go to http://adsense.com and fill out the forms. If you already use Google, then you can use it to get started. AdSense is free to use, but they do require tax information and report your earnings. It is easy to sign up and easy to get started, after you sign up, you can choose your ads.

What types of ads can I choose?

There are lots of choices for your ads. Skyscraper ads are the tall skinny ones. The banner ads are the standard wide and short ones. If you do not like those sizes, there others, smaller versions, square and such. You can also make the ads match the color of your blog.

Is there a reason not to use AdSense?

You can not tell your readers to click on the ads, nor can you. If Google suspects you of committing click fraud then you may be suspended from using AdSense. They may even tell you that your website can never have AdSense on it. You may be able to sell that ad space directly to an advertiser for more money, while other advertisers avoid sites that have it. Some bloggers find it hard to reach the minimum payment of $100.

Is AdSense for me?

You are the only one that can decide that. It is easy to get started, requiring very little work to get started, then copy and paste some code. By adding content you keep readers coming and give the ads more material to use to make relevant ads. Then again readers and advertiser may decide it cheapens your website. AdSense makes sense if your readers will accept it. For most bloggers it is a slow way to make money. Thus the final decision is yours.

วันพุธที่ 28 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

How To Gain Muscle Mass In Your Arms

Click Below For A FREE 8-Part Muscle Gain Course: www.MuscleGainTruth.com Learn how to build muscle and gain weight with these free natural bodybuilding tips. Improve your health, increase your energy, skyrocket your confidence and feel better than ever before... Click Below For A FREE 8-Part Muscle Gain Course www.MuscleGainTruth.com ======================================= Want More FREE Tips & Strategies? My Muscle Building Blog www.MuscleGainTruth.com My Fat Loss & Six Pack Ab Blog: www.HowToBurnFat.com ======================================= Friend & Follow Me! Add Me On Facebook: www.SeansFacebook.com Follow Me On Twitter www.Twitter.com .

วันอังคารที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Hourglass Workout Training Blog 11 - Abs, Glutes, Legs

Lyzabeth Lopez, Professional Fitness Model and Personal Trainer and Holistic Nutritionist is prepping for her first fitness show is 4 years. Suscribe to her video blog to watch her as she preps for her show using her own holistic principals to get there!

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Lesser Known Fitness Equipment

The lesser known equipment can be anything aside from the staples (free weights, body weight, cables and weight machines) that give you a great workout and supplement your fitness routine. These equipment types are great for home and studio training.

Effective equipment that can be used for a fabulous fitness program

Stability Balls
Going by many different names (core ball, balance ball, physio ball etc) the stability ball is best known for ab exercises but can actually provide a full body routine. The act of balancing to perform the exercises recruits abdominal core muscles for stronger abs and a better posture. Make sure to reduce your normal weight as the stability ball adds the extra challenge of balancing the weights toward your centre of gravity.

Resistance tubes/bands
Resistance tubes (or bands) are great fitness tools for home/outdoor workouts and the ideal equipment to take with you on vacation. The tubes are portable, durable and affordable. Only one tube is enough for a challenging full body workout.

Medicine Ball
The balls come in weights ranging from 2-15+lbs. They are best suited for power and strength drills. They can also be used to add resistance to abdominal exercises and for easy handling during compound exercises such as a lunge + tricep extension.

Bosu Ball
The Bosu looks like a stability ball cut in half. The name stands for both sides utilized. You can use the Bosu ball side up or down to perform exercises such as squats, lunges, push ups or even as a weight bench for all your bench press and sitting/standing free weight exercises.

Jump Rope
Skipping is a fantastic way to increase your heart rate in a hurry.
You can receive the benefits of 30 minutes of running in 10-15 minutes of jumping rope. Using the rope improves speed, agility, co-ordination and also helps to shed some pounds. They are affordable, portable and very durable.

Punching Bag
Having a punching bag is an awesome way to take out aggression and get fit at the same time. Learning to punch and kick is great defense but it also helps you to lose weight and tone your whole body. I find the punching bag works best with some loud music and a good warm up before hand, so you don't pull your hamstrings.

Russian Kettlebells
This piece of equipment is making a comeback. These are basically, weights with a handle. Kettlebells come in all weight increments and are fantastic for all weight lifting exercises. The kettlebell's main advantage is the handle. It can be placed on your foot for weighted pull ups and thrown in different ways than a medicine ball. Kettlebells are also wonderful for cardio. High rep swings, snatches and clean and jerks will get you sweating up a storm!

With so much equipment options out there, fitness enthusiasts and soon-to-be fans have no reason to get bored with workouts. Try some new equipment for a change of pace and add some positive changes in your physique.

Try It!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Melt Away Pounds: 15-minute Bootcamp Workout

Melt away pounds with this 15 minute bootcamp workout that will blast fat and tone your whole body. *Sponsor: Lose 3-10 lbs Per Week - www.diet.com diet.com These exercises are meant to be done consecutively for a maximum calorie burn and results. Check Out Diet.com Video! Diet.com: www.diet.com Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel - www.youtube.com Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- www.diet.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.new.facebook.com iTunes: tinyurl.com Sarah's YouTube Channel - YouTube.com Sarah's Blog - www.examiner.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Do They Make Spanx For Arms?

I found out about Spanx one day when I was watching Oprah with my wife.

The 'footless pantyhose' is basically just control-top pantyhose that squeezes all your fat, sucks everything in, and is designed to smooth out problem areas such as muffin top, thunder thighs, and love handles.

While I think this is a fantastic product for women who desperately want to look better instantly, of course, they don't actually solve the problem.

Worse yet, they don't make Spanx for your arms (at least not at the time I'm writing this).
Even if they did, I doubt you would want to wear something like this that would be so visible to the world that you would be forced to get the long sleeves out again to cover up the unsightly garment.

So what do you do if you want to look better instantly?

Well, unfortunately nothing exists that will make you look better instantly. Even surgical procedures have an average recovery period of 8 weeks or more where you will actually look worse with swelling and scarring. However, during my years as a trainer I have personally witnessed hundreds of women eliminate saggy and flabby arms through proper exercise and diet. The results are often quite staggering, and strangely enough, quite surprising to the women who experience the dramatic change.

I say surprising, because for some reason there is the notion that sagging arms can only be remedied by covering them up or, as a last resort, surgical procedures. Well ladies, this is simply not the case.

While you might not solve your problem overnight, in less than seven days you can visibly reduce sagging and flabby arms, and in six weeks you can see incredible results.

Wouldn't you like the results of control top pantyhose for your arms, but without the pantyhose?
If so, get started on a targeted diet and training program dedicated to eliminating bat-wings and flabby arms today, and you will no longer have the need for Spanx for your arms.

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Training With an Injury - Okay? Or Don't Do It?

Oh damn. Just when you thought you were getting somewhere with your training program, the worst happens and you wind up with an injury.

Now what? Do you stop training completely in the interest of healing up that injury? Or are there strategic ways to keep working out, injury and all, without causing it more harm?

You'll be happy to know that there are definitely ways to plan your workouts so you can still get your sweat on and keep your injury out of the way of further harm.

So, what kind of injury did you sustain? The area of the injury will play a large part (obviously) in deciding how and what other body parts you can work out.

For instance if you've sustained an arm injury, its perfectly okay to work those legs hard. Unless your injury is causing mobility problems in your shoulders, you could go for a run or a cycle and possibly even a swim (careful with your choice of stroke, or just do back strokes using your legs only)

And if your injury does happen to be causing those upper body mobility issues, then dial it down slightly to a hard powerwalk, climb some stairs, or even hop on to a stairclimbing machine.

Don't forget all the great weight training moves you can do. There are several variations on the squat, as well as lunges that will get your heart rate up and your legs a good burn. Try some calf raises. If your upper body injury is inhibiting these in any way, there's still the leg machines at the gym. Hop on the machines for Leg Extensions, Leg Presses, and Hamstring Curls.

Now what about if you've injured a foot or a leg?

Well, how about challenging just the healthy leg (and your core strength and balance) by doing almost every move you'd ordinarily do, just on one leg?

Yep, you can even do plyometrics hopping around on one leg, if you really want to. Let the injured leg catch up when it's healed, but for now keep that healthy leg in good condition.

And lower body injury be damned, there's tons of upper body workouts you can do without ever using your legs... moves such as ez bar curls, hammer curls, zottman curls for your biceps... bench press, incline chest press, chest flyes for your chest... tricep kickbacks or even more fun are skull crushers for your triceps, reverse flyes, lateral raises, front raises, shoulder presses for your shoulders... dumbbell, cable or barbell rows and lat pulls or pull-ups for your back. All of these moves can be done in a sitting or lying position and you never have to put any pressure on your legs or feet whatsoever.

How about cardio with a lower body injury? Well, there's always the rowing machine. Just take the leg portion out of it if there's too much pressure on the injury and give 'er with your arms and back. Wow, you can get a good sweat going that way.

Swimming might also be an option if your doctor approves.

You can also crank up your weight training weights or limit your rest periods by turning your different exercises into supersets or supercircuits to work a good cardio workout into your upper body weights routine.

So there ya go!! Just because you've experienced the set-back of an injury is no excuse to let your workouts suffer and let all your previous hard work go to waste. Get back in there and with some creativity, get back to it immediately!

Hope that injury heals up fast!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Pregnancy Fitness Myths

It was not long ago that pregnant women were told to sit still and eat as much as they want throughout their pregnancy. Nowadays, the rules have completely changed thanks to modern medicine and women willing and wanting to stay fit through out their pregnancy.

Three Pregnancy Fitness Myths

1. You should not exercise.

This is absolutely untrue. Prenatal exercise has many positive benefits including sleeping better at night, less back ache and cramping, easier labour and maintaining weight. It is always best to consult with your doctor before starting a fitness program or even better, hire medically supervised personal trainers.

2. Eat For Two.

During your pregnancy you should be eating healthy, fresh foods and staying well hydrated. Eat what you want your baby to eat but you do not have to overdo it. Just listen to your body. Some women don't feel very hungry at all while others have a bigger appetite. Eat when your body tells you to and keep your proportions similar to pre-pregnancy.

3. You can't do crunches.

Performing crunches while you are pregnant strengthens the abdominals for a faster delivery and recovery time. The only variation required is 20 weeks after pregnancy when you should avoid laying on your back. This reduces oxygen to the baby. Instead you can do crunches seated and on your side.

Pregnancy is not the end of your prenatal body. It's the start of a new beginning and that includes what you do for your health and well-being. Whether you work out currently or not, exercise during pregnancy is a great thing to do for both Mom and baby.

วันพุธที่ 21 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Benefits of Jump Rope - Not Just For Kids Anymore

Jump rope or skipping is most commonly remembered as a childhood playground game. It is also associated with wrestling and boxing training.

Jumping rope is an effective and challenging cardiovascular activity.

Benefits of jumping rope include:

-Raises the heart rate (HR) very quickly. Skipping makes a great warm up.

-Jumping rope burns 800+ calories an hour and is considered vigorous cardio activity.

-Ten minutes of continuous jumping is equal to running an 8 minute mile. This is quite good as is 7.5 MPH.

-Strengthens the upper body, particularly arms and shoulders.

-Improves co-ordination

-Jumping two feet at a time puts less stress on the knees than running.

Disadvantages to Jumping Rope

-It's hard! You will need to take breaks every few minutes. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing that skipping is a challenge but it's best to be prepared to feel winded and tired. Everybody gets that way, it's not just you!

-Jumping rope is best outside in a park or at the beach. If you live in an apartment or other shared space, then jumping over your neighbours might not be appreciated. Also, many people feel uncomfortable jumping in their gym on the aerobic floor.

-Individuals with bad knee joints and hips may want to avoid too much jump rope. The impact is quite hard. If you have knee problems always jump with two feet together.

Getting Started

Ideally it's best to purchase a thick rope with a bit of weight to it, intended for exercise. The colourful ones you can buy at the dollar store are too light and it's really hard to gain speed and momentum.

To use a jump rope, make sure the rope is the right size. If you step on the rope in its centre, you should be able to bring the handles up, under your armpits. If it's too long, just shorten the rope by wrapping it evenly around your wrists.

The proper technique for jumping is having your arms fixed (not making giant circles in the air)while your wrists make tiny circles. All of the power and movement comes from the wrists. Your upper body should be upright and your core tight.

Start a skipping workout by warming up for 2-5 minutes jumping with both feet together.

From there use any of these techniques:

-Jump forward

-Jump backward

-Alternating feet

-1 foot at a time (ex: 20 jumps one foot then 20 jumps on the other)

-Double Under - The rope goes under your feet twice in one jump

-Skiing - Feet together jumping side to side

-Jumping Jack - Feet together, feet apart

-Scissors -One foot forward, one back and switch

There are so many jumping techniques and a ton tricks to learn, when you become more advanced. Start out small by just warming up with two feet together and built your way up to an incredible cardio workout.

Jump In To Fitness!

วันอังคารที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Fitness Slogan For Women

"I'm fit not fat". This is a slogan many women need to remember. Being thin has become a fashion statement. From the rich to the poor, every man and woman these days aim to be in good shape. But are you getting obsessed with it? Are you on a track to starving yourself? Or the societal norms have pressurized you to loose weight before you can find a suitable match ?

It came as a pinch of pain when Suzanne reported "I was shocked to hear that my maid's daughter had been rejected by more than 8 guys as she is little chubby. She is having tough times in finding a relationship."

Though a general health awareness is required, but it is suggested by experts that one should not go overboard. If one is healthy, active and free of any ailments or symptoms of any diseases, then being overweight by few pounds doesn't matter much. If you are really worried of your looks, then don't forget that you can always wear a clothing that will make you look slimmer. Ask or consult a fashion expert.

Now, you can go on to join any weight loss or fitness program but there is no need to be obsessed or overwhelmed with it. Start out slow, maybe just shooting for 1 or 2 workouts a week. Once you have successfully added that to your normal routine, then attempt to slowly add to your fitness program. Plus, most women don't need to exercise more than 3-4 times a week. That doesn't mean you can't exercise more; it's just not necessary. Also, attempting to do too much too fast is worse than doing nothing at all! You may begin feeling that exercise is too hard and its just not for you. So, if you think of joining a weight loss program try to keep things moderate in the beginning. Also educate yourself on how to exercise correctly.

We need to realize that every woman cannot and need not have a perfect 'model like' figure. And there are much better goals in life to aim for. Don't try to compare yourself with others. Some women are genetically thin with a higher Basal Metabolic Rate. Now, being healthier and trying to be healthy is always an important thing in life but weight is not the only parameter to judge your health and fitness.

Mr Smith working in a fitness center faces a lot of problems, "Almost every day girls come in to join one of our several weight loss packages whereas they have normal B.M.I. [ Body Mass Index ]. Even parents are keen to get their teenagers to join our programs. They demand a good shape at any cost. But I feel by the look of face of those girls they are either stressed or depressed."

In fact , in modern world mothers don't want their daughters to lag behind in terms of the looks even though their daughters don't want to become models. We as parents should learn to appreciate our daughters as they are and give them the confidence that they don't need to look beautiful to prove themselves.

It's high time that we change the parameters of judging women. Next time someone comments, lash back in confidence 'I AM FIT NOT FAT'.

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Can I Drink On A Fitness Program?

I get asked often if it is still okay to drink while trying to achieve a fitness goal. It's a tough question. Many factors are involved. Some people can drink moderate amounts and still obtain their goals. For others it really hurts their progress.

Personally I absolutely love wine and (good) beer. However, when I was on my weight loss program I didn't touch a drop of either. Alcohol makes me feel fat and apparently, its not just a feeling as you will read below.

It seems every week a new study is released stating that moderate amounts of alcohol, particularly red wine is good for your health. Maybe so, but don't let the studies (which change like the wind!) justify a glass every night. Especially if you trying to shed a few pounds.

Alcohol has 7.1 calories per gram. It's almost as much per gram as fat.

5oz of Merlot red wine is 123 calories. This is okay once a week. Have two if you like. Unfortunately drinking a glass of wine every night will slow down your fitness goals for the following reasons:

-Over the course of a month you will have accumulated over 3800 calories. This is more than a whole pound worth of unnecessary calorie consumption. Drinking a pound worth is alcoholic fluid is not good for any goal. Remember, alcohol is a toxin!

-Just TRY to drink and not eat too! Drinking makes you hungry. This results in eating more than you normally would, in addition to the empty calories already consumed.

-Alcohol spikes insulin levels, causing your body to hold on to fat.

-Studies show there is a definite relationship between alcohol consumption, waist circumference and the waist to hip ratio. Beer belly anyone?

-Alcohol messes with hormonal balances. It makes it harder to put on muscle and makes storing fat easier.

Studies claim that alcohol in moderation can be good for your health (lowers risk of heart disease, improves circulation) but the health benefits they claim to bring about can also be achieved by eating properly and exercising.

My bottom line is that if you have a couple of drinks once in a while, then it's not that big of a deal. If you are drinking everyday then your fitness goals might not be reached nearly as quickly as you hoped.

Have a grape instead!

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

3 Easy Ways to Earn Money From Your Blog

If you're looking for a way to earn some extra cash from the comfort of your own home then look no more. Millions of entrepreneurs, stay-at-home moms, and bored students have taken to blogging to help supplement their income.

There are blogs about pretty much every topic under the sun: sports, investing, current events, entertainment, fitness, parenting, sock puppets. Name any subject in the world and I guarantee you there's a blogger writing about it right this minute. Just pick a topic that interests you and you can be pumping out blog posts today.

But how does a blog make you money?

Well there's actually quite a few ways to monetize a blog, but in this article I'm only going to discuss 3 of them. These are what I consider the 3 easiest ways to earn money from your blog:

1. Google AdSense. Just sign up for Google's AdSense program and they'll give you a few lines of code to paste onto your blog. The code will automatically generate links that are relevant to your readers based on your blog's content. When a visitor clicks on a link you get paid a commission.

2. Paid reviews and posts. Getting paid to review products, services, and websites is an easy way to make money from your blog. You can advertise your paid post service right on your blog or sign up with programs like ReviewMe or PayPerPost who match bloggers with advertisers.

3. Affiliate marketing. When you sign up as an affiliate of a company, they provide you with special links to use to promote their products and services. When your readers click on one of your affiliate links and make a purchase you get a commission. There are thousands of affiliate programs out there covering just about every market you can imagine.

Of course you don't have to limit yourself to any one of these money-making methods. Combine all three of them and you'll see your profits explode!

วันเสาร์ที่ 17 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

A Faded Memory (Blog-1 Jan 10th 2008)

I have decided to move some of my written blogs here. If you watch my videos for weight loss, fitness, etc.. you probably wont enjoy these very much.. feel free to x them out and watch more entertaining videos. This is Blog Number 1 Written - Jan 10th 2008 Music- Kevin Macleod

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Healthy Soda Substitutions

Who doesn't love the tingly, cool feeling of carbonated soda? The bubbly liquid quenches my thirst and satisfies my taste buds. It is a guilty pleasure for many of us, and the many different flavors present us with endless options as far as selection is concerned. There's the classic cola, flavored sodas in all varieties of fruit, root beer, cream soda, and so many other different kinds to possibly enjoy. No wonder it's a multi-billion dollar industry - people absolutely love it.

The sweetness of these soft drinks is something I crave too, despite my urges to limit my intake. I have come to anticipate a cool, refreshing liquid break in my day and have one almost daily. But, sadly, I've had to cut down on my soda intake as of late. As hard as it's been, I have my reasons and I believe they're good ones.

The sugary fix of soda packs a lot of calories and causes weight gain. It also leads to cavities and ups and downs in energy levels as the sugar rush is followed by a crash. Replacing soda with a few other options has allowed me to keep my smile, my weight, my energy level, and my refreshing break.

If you enjoy soda as much as I do, but do not like the negative impacts, consider trying some of my favorite replacement drinks. Over time, you may just like them better than your usual soda.

One alternative to sugar-filled sodas is club soda. Club soda is sugar-free and calorie-free. It has the refreshing carbonated feel of soda without the negative effects of sugar.

Carbonated fruit drinks are another of my favorites. Carbonated fruit drinks offer more flavor than club soda, but do not have the sugar of regular soda. It's important to find a brand that is completely natural with no additives. Fizzy Lizzy is one of my favorites.

If you are looking for something with caffeine, give green tea a try. Green tea is documented to have health benefits due to its' antioxidants, and the herbal quality of the tea can be very relaxing. Lemon or natural sweeteners can be added to make it even more appealing.

Substituting one or more of these beverages in place of soda can make a large difference in your overall health. You'll even feel better as your body adjusts and gets used to your new habits. Are you ready to make a small change that will have big benefits?

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

วันพุธที่ 14 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Complete Ab Workout Video

A free online exercise video from diet.com. *Sponsor: Lose 3-10 lbs Per Week - www.diet.com Find more fitness videos at diet.com This workout strengthens both lower and upper abs using a physio ball. It also works the inner thigh muscles. This fitness routine can be done at home or at the gym. Get your best abs now! Check Out Diet.com Video! Diet.com: www.diet.com Subscribe to Our youtube Channel - www.youtube.com Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- www.diet.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.new.facebook.com itunes: tinyurl.com Sarah's youtube Channel - youtube.com Sarah's Blog - www.examiner.com

วันอังคารที่ 13 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

HEALTHY EATING: Healthiest Food is additionally Round

The healthiest food grows in a Round shape I hope you Subscribe!!! ROUNDORAMA Blog: roundorama.com Vote for me on realitywanted.com www.realitywanted.com TWITTER: twitter.com THE ROUND DIET Book: tinyurl.com

วันจันทร์ที่ 12 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Looking For Bloating Relief? First Learn the Causes

I presume if you're here you experience a bloated stomach sometimes? I suffer with it too, in fact I have done for pretty much all my adult life.

One thing I've learned is that if you're looking for bloating relief it pays to understand the underlying causes. I've personally found most benefit in prevention rather than cure.

Stomach bloating is caused by gas. That gas is caused by undigested food in your gut which has begun to rot and ferment. It is not a pleasant image!

For whatever reason, undigested food is reaching your gut. It then sits there and begins fermenting, thus creating gas, which causes the evil bloating.

So why doesn't food get digested properly in the first place? Why does the bloating occur?

It could feasibly be for all kinds of reasons. You might only actually suffer for one or two of these reasons. This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list, but it might give you some ideas of where to begin looking:

Intestinal gas-caused by good old-fashioned indigestion!

Trapped wind-caused by wind being unable to find the emergency exit... joke!

IBS-or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A disease of the digestive system.

Dysmotility-otherwise known as slow digestion.

Candidiasis-a fungal yeast infection, usually nothing serious and easily treated.

Coeliac disease-an over-reacting immune system triggered by gluten-containing food such as wheat-based products like bread and biscuits.

PMS-Pre-Menstrual Syndrome

Food intolerance-your body not taking kindly to some of the things you throw in there, often caused by wheat or dairy.

Poor diet or eating habits-eating the wrong things in the wrong way (usually too quickly without chewing).

Bacterial imbalance-where your gut doesn't have the proper balance of 'good' bacteria.
Stress-so stressed that your whole body is thrown out of balance and has other things to worry about than digesting your food properly.

If you're urgently looking for bloating relief, think about whether any of these reasons might apply to you.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

How To: Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Home & Gym)

Facebook: www.facebook.com Bio-Engineered Supplements & Nutrition BSN www.bsnonline.net Check out my Meal Plan!: www.scotthermanfitness.com TRX www.fitnessanywhere.com Jabra www.jabra.com Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com Check out scotthermanfitness.com for more information and detailed exercises!

วันเสาร์ที่ 10 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

10 Minute Trainer Review: Week 1 Recap

Hey guys made it through week 1. I just wanted to post up this video to let you know how I did. I'm blogging everyday so if you want to know more check me out at 10minuteworkoutreview.com

วันศุกร์ที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Planks, Awesome Abs Without Doing Crunches

One of my favourite ab exercises are planks and side planks. They are fantastic core exercises because:

1. They work the whole core including the low back.

2. Planks are great for people who find traditional crunches painful in their neck and back.

3. Planks are incredibly effective for core strength and definition.

4. They have many variations from beginner to advanced.

5. Planks can be done anywhere, anytime.

Basic Front Plank

-With clasped hands place them in front of you on the floor under your shoulders.

-Go up on to your toes so you are supporting your weight with your elbows and toes.

-Now flex your abs and lower your butt.

-Remember to breathe and time yourself for 1 minute. If you can't make a minute right away drop to your knees and take a 10 second break. Get back in to the plank for the remaining time.


-Support yourself on your hands, instead of your elbows.

-You can also use a stability ball placed securely up against a wall. Put your clasped hands and elbows on the ball.

-Support your weight on one foot

Side Planks
This exercise is an oblique toning machine!

-On you side stick one elbow in to the floor under your shoulder. Your forearm should be straight out and your whole arm should create a 90 degree angle.

-Stack your feet one on top of the other.

-Now raise your torso off the ground. Stick your outer oblique toward the ceiling. Hold for 30-45 seconds each side. If you can't make it right away drop to your knees to recover and then get back up there.

-Your other arm (that is not supporting you) can be straight up in the air for balance (easier) or folded across your torso.



-Put the weight in your knees with your legs bent.


-Raise a leg or an arm and a leg at the same time.

The Plank Ab Workout

Do this 2.5 minute plank workout and your abs will be thanking you the next day. If you have trouble feeling a workout on your abs the next day from crunches, this will change everything.

Without rest

30 seconds front plank
30 seconds side plank
30 seconds front plank
30 seconds (the other) side plank
30 seconds front plank

Try to transition as quickly and fluidly as possible. Remember, if you can't make the whole count just rest and get back up there.

Try Planks!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Want to Wake Up Easier? Try this Yoga Stretch

Do this yoga stretch in the morning to help wake your body up in the morning! diet.com *Sponsor: Free Diet Strategy Video - www.diet.com This move is inspired by a yoga practice, and is great for getting extra energy in the morning! Fitness and Flexibility! Check Out Diet.com Video! Diet.com: www.diet.com Subscribe to Our youtube Channel - www.youtube.com Go behind the scenes w/ Sarah's Blog- www.diet.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook: www.new.facebook.com itunes: tinyurl.com Sarah's Fitness Blog - www.examiner.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 3 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Be Realistic About Your Fitness Goals

I'm afraid that a lot of people set really high expectations on themselves. Some think working out will solve all of their body image issues. Thinking that exercise will make you perfect only leads to disappointment and ultimately, giving up altogether.

The thing is, we are predisposed to an extent. Our genetics play a huge factor in our body shape.

I really wanted a nice bulge in my bicep. You know the ones I mean. Those nice, perfectly formed round muscles. Well, my biceps are probably comprised of slow twitch muscle fibers, which means they are great for endurance but not so great for power. This makes them appear long and small but lean. Not big, round and powerful. So I don't have my ideal biceps but you know what? I'm very happy with my arms. They have come a long way! There was a time when I would not even take a picture from the side because I was so self-conscious over them.

I remember when I started losing weight, I had these ideas that I would lose a few pounds and suddenly have a perfect body. Like a model from a magazine. No cellulite, no little bulges of fat anywhere etc. The reality is, nobody is ever 100% happy with their bodies. There is always things we think could be better. The quest to perfection is doomed for failure.

The point is, self-improvement is not about looking like the cover of a Fitness magazine. It's feeling satisfied with all the physical and mental changes you have achieved. It's about all the newly developed abilities and feeling good about yourself, that truly matters.

My main goal was to lose weight but through that goal I discovered my love of running, weight lifting, walking, sports and fitness related topics. I see these interests and abilities to be more satisfying than the original goal I set out to achieve.

Keep in mind that body builders like Arnold used steroids and models were born thin and they are still airbrushed and "digitally enhanced" to look perfect. The bodies you see in the media are not real. Nobody is perfect but everybody is beautiful.

Be Realistic!

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Top 10 Secrets of the Slim

Skinny people have their success secrets, and there's no reason you can't try them, too! Check out this video for ten slimming tips - and take the first step towards a hot, sexy new body.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Can Vitamin B12 Help Weight Loss

You may have heard claims of B12 shots producing significant weight loss in no time. You also may have heard scientists say that there's no proof B12 helps you lose weight (but it has been proven to keep you from gaining it). So what's the truth? What is B12 and does it really help you lose weight?

B12 is a nutrient we naturally get in our diets. It is vital for out body to function normally. A B12 deficiency can have serious effects on your body. Would you make a cake a purposely leave out the flour, sugar, or baking soda? Of course not. When you leave an important ingredient out, the cake just does not work right. Your body is the same way. If you're lacking an important nutrient like B12, your body just does not work right. By adding this vital nutrient to your system, you're letting your body operate more effectively and efficiently. This improves your overall health and helps you lose weight.

B12 gives you a great energy boost. While this may not take off the pounds in itself, it can get you up and moving. Many people don't exercise because they're just too tired at the end of a long day. With this extra energy, you can go to the gym or even just take a walk around the block. Plus, if you find your energy level dragging between shots, you can get more B12 in your diet to keep yourself going.

B12 boosts your metabolism. This means that you digest your food faster and burn more calories just by sitting there. And the more calories you burn, the fewer calories you store as fat. Plus, if you increase your exercise level, you'll boost your metabolism even more!

If you've looked into B12 shots, you've probably noticed they're a bit pricey; usually about $65 a piece. As I mentioned earlier, we all have B12 in our system that come from the food we eat. While getting shots may be a bit more potent, you can get more B12 into your system by adding it into your diet. Don't try pills, they don't work as well. Just eat more foods that are rich in B12. Some suggestions for food high in B12 include: clams, liver, trout, and salmon. You can also find foods, such as breakfast cereal that have been fortified with B12 and other vitamins and minerals.

There are many arguments for and against B12. There are scientists who will claim that there's no proof of its effectiveness, but what about the thousands of people who say they've lost weight? The key to losing weight is that there's no magical shot or pill, you have to work at it. However, combined with diet and exercise, B12 could be the boost your system needs to finally take those extra pounds off.