วันพุธที่ 21 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Benefits of Jump Rope - Not Just For Kids Anymore

Jump rope or skipping is most commonly remembered as a childhood playground game. It is also associated with wrestling and boxing training.

Jumping rope is an effective and challenging cardiovascular activity.

Benefits of jumping rope include:

-Raises the heart rate (HR) very quickly. Skipping makes a great warm up.

-Jumping rope burns 800+ calories an hour and is considered vigorous cardio activity.

-Ten minutes of continuous jumping is equal to running an 8 minute mile. This is quite good as is 7.5 MPH.

-Strengthens the upper body, particularly arms and shoulders.

-Improves co-ordination

-Jumping two feet at a time puts less stress on the knees than running.

Disadvantages to Jumping Rope

-It's hard! You will need to take breaks every few minutes. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing that skipping is a challenge but it's best to be prepared to feel winded and tired. Everybody gets that way, it's not just you!

-Jumping rope is best outside in a park or at the beach. If you live in an apartment or other shared space, then jumping over your neighbours might not be appreciated. Also, many people feel uncomfortable jumping in their gym on the aerobic floor.

-Individuals with bad knee joints and hips may want to avoid too much jump rope. The impact is quite hard. If you have knee problems always jump with two feet together.

Getting Started

Ideally it's best to purchase a thick rope with a bit of weight to it, intended for exercise. The colourful ones you can buy at the dollar store are too light and it's really hard to gain speed and momentum.

To use a jump rope, make sure the rope is the right size. If you step on the rope in its centre, you should be able to bring the handles up, under your armpits. If it's too long, just shorten the rope by wrapping it evenly around your wrists.

The proper technique for jumping is having your arms fixed (not making giant circles in the air)while your wrists make tiny circles. All of the power and movement comes from the wrists. Your upper body should be upright and your core tight.

Start a skipping workout by warming up for 2-5 minutes jumping with both feet together.

From there use any of these techniques:

-Jump forward

-Jump backward

-Alternating feet

-1 foot at a time (ex: 20 jumps one foot then 20 jumps on the other)

-Double Under - The rope goes under your feet twice in one jump

-Skiing - Feet together jumping side to side

-Jumping Jack - Feet together, feet apart

-Scissors -One foot forward, one back and switch

There are so many jumping techniques and a ton tricks to learn, when you become more advanced. Start out small by just warming up with two feet together and built your way up to an incredible cardio workout.

Jump In To Fitness!
