วันจันทร์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

The Lesser Known Fitness Equipment

The lesser known equipment can be anything aside from the staples (free weights, body weight, cables and weight machines) that give you a great workout and supplement your fitness routine. These equipment types are great for home and studio training.

Effective equipment that can be used for a fabulous fitness program

Stability Balls
Going by many different names (core ball, balance ball, physio ball etc) the stability ball is best known for ab exercises but can actually provide a full body routine. The act of balancing to perform the exercises recruits abdominal core muscles for stronger abs and a better posture. Make sure to reduce your normal weight as the stability ball adds the extra challenge of balancing the weights toward your centre of gravity.

Resistance tubes/bands
Resistance tubes (or bands) are great fitness tools for home/outdoor workouts and the ideal equipment to take with you on vacation. The tubes are portable, durable and affordable. Only one tube is enough for a challenging full body workout.

Medicine Ball
The balls come in weights ranging from 2-15+lbs. They are best suited for power and strength drills. They can also be used to add resistance to abdominal exercises and for easy handling during compound exercises such as a lunge + tricep extension.

Bosu Ball
The Bosu looks like a stability ball cut in half. The name stands for both sides utilized. You can use the Bosu ball side up or down to perform exercises such as squats, lunges, push ups or even as a weight bench for all your bench press and sitting/standing free weight exercises.

Jump Rope
Skipping is a fantastic way to increase your heart rate in a hurry.
You can receive the benefits of 30 minutes of running in 10-15 minutes of jumping rope. Using the rope improves speed, agility, co-ordination and also helps to shed some pounds. They are affordable, portable and very durable.

Punching Bag
Having a punching bag is an awesome way to take out aggression and get fit at the same time. Learning to punch and kick is great defense but it also helps you to lose weight and tone your whole body. I find the punching bag works best with some loud music and a good warm up before hand, so you don't pull your hamstrings.

Russian Kettlebells
This piece of equipment is making a comeback. These are basically, weights with a handle. Kettlebells come in all weight increments and are fantastic for all weight lifting exercises. The kettlebell's main advantage is the handle. It can be placed on your foot for weighted pull ups and thrown in different ways than a medicine ball. Kettlebells are also wonderful for cardio. High rep swings, snatches and clean and jerks will get you sweating up a storm!

With so much equipment options out there, fitness enthusiasts and soon-to-be fans have no reason to get bored with workouts. Try some new equipment for a change of pace and add some positive changes in your physique.

Try It!
