วันพุธที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lose Weight and Firm Up at Home With a New Spin on a Timeless Fitness Classic

So, I made the commitment to knock out my morning cardio on an empty stomach (step one to achieving wash board abs and loosing weight). Most mornings I simply jump on the elliptical or go for a quick run. But what should I do on those mornings where it is too cold to run, or when I get bored with the normal routine or when I am out of town and don't know the area? I was stumped until I came across the timeless classic of jumping rope.

Now if jumping rope brings back memories of carefree childhood frolicking and aimless self amusement, you may want to revisit this activity. Jumping rope is actually one of the most traditional and effective ways of exercising. It is an excellent cardiovascular exercise and one of the most effective total body exercises. When performed correctly, jumping rope is a complete exercise for the overall workout of one's calves, hamstrings, chest, back, shoulders, forearms and biceps. Even Bruce Lee once said that he thought that 10 minutes of rope jumping was worth 30 minutes of running.

Like most people, I thought at first that jumping rope was child's play, and didn't consider it seriously as exercise. That all changed when I read that for years, top athletes have been using the rope to condition for their sports. From Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Arnold Schwarzenegger to, Jerry Rice and Michael Chang, jumping rope is certainly not for sissies. If you want a real example of how intense a rope jumping workout can be check out Floyd Maywether Jr. or Muhammad Ali training with the rope on YouTube. These guys turn this simple activity into an art form.

The best part is you don't need much to get started. Here are the basics to keep in mind when jumping rope for fitness:

Wear good shoes - The best shoes for jumping rope are either aerobic shoes or cross-trainers. You need good cushioning and support because although there is not an excessive amount of movement, this is still considered a high-impact activity.

Get a rope - You probably have a jump rope somewhere in your house already. Otherwise, most ropes cost less than $10, while higher-quality ropes are around $20 and top-of-the-line models (made with the best materials) will set you back just $25.

Rope length - Standing in the middle of the rope, the handles should reach just below your shoulders.

Clear your space - All you need is enough ceiling height and room to turn the rope without knocking over a lamp or whipping nearby pets or family members.

Mechanics - Lightly grip the handles near the end closest to the rope. Turn the rope from the wrist and aim to keep a smooth arc in the rope as it passes over your head. If you find yourself needing a break but you don't want to stop completely, twirl the rope from side to side. When you jump, keep your arms relaxed and slightly bent, and keep your upper-body movements to a minimum. Remember that jumping rope is a skilled movement-it takes both coordination and timing to rope with each jump. Jump only high enough to clear the rope, with light ankle-knee motion. During jumping, the rope should skim the surface lightly and your feet should not kick back behind you.

Once you master the basics, there are many additional options and techniques to sample to improve your fitness level and keep you challenged.

A jump rope makes a great addition (or start) to your home gym. And best of all it can fit nicely in a drawer, suitcase, or briefcase. Bring back this timeless classic and be amazed as you build agility, speed, balance, and coordination, while improving your overall fitness level.
